- added LICENSE file
- Ported to ROS 2 (#5)
- use conditional dependencies for Python 3 (#3)
- bump CMake minimum version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- use Python 3 compatible syntax (#121)
- fix Qt5 compatibility (#104)
- Support Qt 5 (in Kinetic and higher) as well as Qt 4 (in Jade and earlier) (#101)
- STALE is defined for indigo and later
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- add support for stale state
- Contributors: Michael Ferguson
- avoid marking items as stale when using sim time (#69)
- allow remapping diagnostics topic
- update script to use full plugin name
- fix selection persistence across state transitions (#60)
- improve usability: fix selecting items, maintain current scroll position (#59)
- add groups for rqt plugins (ros-visualization/rqt_common_plugins#167)
- fix refresh of html display for new messages (#49)
- fix event handling (#39)
- First public release into Hydro
- fix missing roslib
- catkinizing
- first public release into Groovy