wikiHowUnofficilAPI aims to provide a Python-based interface to extract useful information from wikiHow articles such as article summary, steps, images, etc. in an easy-to-use way.
pip install wikiHowUnofficialAPI
Learn random stuff! Retuns a random WikiHow article URL.
import wikihowunofficialapi as wha
ra = wha.random_article()
Uses the article URL to return various details about an article. In addition, it returns whether an article is written by an expert or not.
import wikihowunofficialapi as wha
article = wha.Article('')
print(article.url) # Print Article's URL
print(article.title) # Print Article's Title
print(article.intro) # Print Article's Introduction
print(article.n_methods) # Print number of methods in an Article
print(article.methods) # Print a list of methods in an Article
print(article.num_votes) # Print number of votes given to an Article
print(article.percent_helpful) # Print percentage of helpful votes given to an Article
print(article.is_expert) # Print True if the Article is written by an expert
print(article.last_updated) # Print date when the Article was last updated
print(article.views) # Print the number of views recieved by Article
print(article.co_authors) # Print the number of co-authors of an Article
print(article.references) # Print the number of references in an Article
print(article.summary) # Print Article's summary
print(article.warnings) # Print Article's warnings
print( # Print Article's tips
first_method = article.methods[0]
first_step = first_method.steps[0]
print(first_step) # Print Article's first step of the first method
print(first_step.title) # Print the title of Article's first step of the first method
print(first_step.description) # Print the description of Article's first step of the first method
Retrieves a list of image included in a step as URLs.
import wikihowunofficialapi as wha
article = wha.Article('')
print(article.methods[0].steps[0].picture) # Print the URL of the image of Article's first step of the first method
Searches WikiHow for the string and returns a list containing the title of the articles. The default max results is 10, but this can be changed.
import wikihowunofficialapi as wha
max_results = 1
how_tos = wha.search_wikihow("sleep", max_results)