An easy to use tracking tool for Wordpress that helps you better understand user's activity. It logs metadata and page hit information inside Flexie CRM, under your user's contact.
- Download the project to your WordPress plugins folder
- Activate it in the Plugins section in Wordpress Admin menu
- Go to Flexie Tracking section in Wordpress Admin menu
This project is designed track Flexie CRM user's activity in a WordPress shop like WooCommerce or just track Wordpress site visits. After installation the plugin settings page requires you to enter mandatory information regarding your Flexie CRM account and shows options from which you can choose.
To make the plugin work please enter the following information correctly:
- Flexie CRM Subdomain
- Flexie CRM API key
Options you can select to track include:
- Track Product - tracks product details summary in WooCommerce
- Track Cart - when navigating to cart's page it tracks cart's items in WooCommerce
- Track Order - when an order is placed, details are tracked in WooCommerce
- Track All Page Hits - tracks user's navigation in any Wordpress Site