This repo contains various data science strategy and machine learning models to deal with structure as well as unstructured data. It contains module on feature-preprocessing, feature-engineering, machine-learning-models, bayesian-parameter-tuning, etc. Some of these features are collected from the existed libraries such as scikit-learn, keras, h2o, xgboost, lightgbm, catboost, etc. I have also added some technique, which I implemented by following the Research Paper and Data-Scientist advice(on kaggle). There are a lot of feature engineering strategy as well, which I developed during ML-contest and helped me a lot in those contest.
I use this toolbox for my personal usuage. I consistently update it, to make more generic.
- Feature preprocessing
- cleaning
- handling null value
- normalization
- grouping unknow variable
- memory optimization
- text preprocessing
- Feature Engineering
- label-encoder/one-hot/binary/hashing
- binning/quantile-binning
- target-encoding
- bayesian-encoding
- feature-interaction
- date-time feature
- time-lag featue(in time series)
- rounding/decimal value
- relation feature(aggregation based)
- text feature using tf-idf, count-vect
- clustering based feature(linear/non-linear)
- polynomial feature
- statistical ferature
- boxplot/kdeplot/countplot/pairplot
- heatmap
- Machine Learning models
- Tree base model
- xgboost/lighgbm/catboost
- sklearn: decision-tree/random-forest/extra-tree/GBM
- Linear/Non-Linear Model:
- Logistic-Regression/lasso/Ridge/Passive-Agreesive/SVM
- Regularized Greedy forest(in progress)
- field aware factorization machine
- online learning(vowpal rabbit/follow the regularized leader)(in progress)
- h2o models (gbm/rf/nn/auto-ml)
- Tree base model
- Deep learning models
- neural networks(keras/tensorflow)
- Attention mechanism for LSTM
- Data augmentation(for image)
- cyclic-learning-rate
- keras custom loss-function/metric/callbacks
- pretrained model
- word2vec usuage using gensim
- entity embedding
- data on fly(efficient training)
- segmentation
- graph based neural network
- Advances
- gridsearch / bayesian optimization
- Stacking/blending/rank-average
- Bert-Model(pretrained text model)
- parallel-processing for feature-engineering(in progress)