In the project IMG-IMPACT
, several Image Processing Techniques
are used, to IMPACT THE IMAGES
This project is based on the Linear Algebra project
, which was part of the course UE20MA251
Table of Contents
is a project on Impacting the Images , using various Image Processing Technologies and Techniques
These Techniques
include various Filters like Median filter
, Gaussian filter
, Linear filter
, etc...
The other Technologies
implemented here are Scaling
, Cropping
, Rotation
, etc...
In the IMG-IMPACT Directory
there are 4 directories:
Images Directory
- contains all the Images used in the programs. -
Individual_Filters&Techniques Directory
- contains the techniques and filters implemented separately. -
All_Filters_Combined Directory
- contains one program for the techniques and filters combined. -
Extra_Contents Directory
- contains extra information about the techniques and filters used.
IMG-IMPACT repo structure click...
Below is the structure of the IMG-IMPACT
project repository
├── IMG-IMPACT/ # Project Folder
│ │
│ ├── All_Filters_Combined/ # Folder3
│ │ └──
│ │
│ ├── Extra_Contents/ # Folder4
│ │ ├── IMG-IMPACT_Slides.pdf
│ │ └── IMG-IMPACT_Information.pdf
│ │
│ ├── Images/ # Folder1
│ │ ├── 1_2_rover.jpg
│ │ ├── 3_4_turtle.jpg
│ │ ├── 4_CroppedImage.jpg
│ │ ├── 5_desktop.jpg
│ │ ├── 6_scenary.jpg
│ │ ├── 7_8_emoji.png
│ │ ├── 9_person.png
│ │ ├── 10_pig.jpg
│ │ ├── 11_apple.jpg
│ │ ├── <no.>_new_<any name>.jpg
│ │ # These files are the resultant images after running the files, present in the 'Individual_Filters_Techniques' Folder.
│ │ ├── <no.>_fnew_<any name>.jpg
│ │ # These files are the resultant images after running the file, present in the 'All_Filters_Combined' Folder.
│ │ └── IMG-IMPACT.png #logo
│ │
│ ├── Individual_Filters_Techniques/ # Folder2
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ │
│ └── IMG-IMPACT.png # Project Logo
└─── # Repository README
Inclusion of Image Processing Techniques
The project
involves the implementation ofImage Processing Techniques
. -
Manipulation of Images and Extraction of Insights
Image processing entails the
manipulation of images
to extractuseful insights
from them. -
Representation of Images as Grids of Pixels
Images can be represented as a
grid of n x n small pieces
, which are calledpixels
. -
Numerical Representation of Image Pixels
If we can
assign numbers to each colour
, then, the grid of pixels can be represented as anumerical matrix
Language :
Libraries :
- OpenCV or cv2
- Pillow or PIL
- NumPy
- argparse
- matplotlib
- math
Concepts :
Linear transformation, SVD, Fourier transformations (click for more details...)
Linear transformation -
Linear transformations are mathematical operations that maintain the fundamental properties of vector spaces. They are often represented using matrices and are essential in geometry, and transformations in computer graphics. They provide a structured way to describe and manipulate complex relationships between vectors.
Singular Value Decomposition, or SVD, is a powerful matrix factorization technique that breaks down a matrix into three simpler components: U, Σ, and V. Here, U and V are orthogonal matrices, and Σ is a diagonal matrix containing singular values. SVD is employed in image compression, as it uncovers hidden patterns and relationships in data
Fourier transformations -
Fourier transformations are mathematical methods used to represent functions or signals in the frequency domain. The Fourier transform allows us to express complex signals as combinations of simpler sinusoidal components, revealing their frequency and amplitude characteristics. This is particularly useful for analyzing and processing signals in fields of image analysis, and data compression.
Clone the
github repository.git clone
Navigate to the
'IMG-IMPACT' Directory
in Image-Processing--IMG-IMPACT cd IMG-IMPACT
Navigate to
ANY of the Directories
andexecute the respective files
present in that directory.
i. Navigation :
a. Navigate to'Individual_Filters_Techniques' Directory
to execute techniques and filtersseparately
.cd Individual_Filters_Techniques
b. Navigate to
'All_Filters_Combined' Directory
to execute techniques and filterscombined
.cd All_Filters_Combined
c. Navigate to
'Extra_Contents' Directory
to findextra information
about the filters and Extra_Contents
d. Navigate to
'Images' Directory
the images Images
ii. Execution :
By opening
any file
inpython idle
orcommand prompt
, and running it.
a. To execute any file from command prompt, type
python <filename>
follow the instructions
, which appear oncommand prompt
b. For any file from
'Individual_Filters_Techniques' Directory
, typepython
follow the instructions
, which appear oncommand prompt
c. For any file from
'All_Filters_Combined' Directory
, typepython
follow the instructions
, which appear oncommand prompt
Note- For some filters and techniques information may not be complete or it may not exist in the'Extra_Contents' Directory.
- All images before and after using IMG-IMPACT
- Select any filter or technique of your choice
- Select any image of your choice
- Choose if you want to save editted images or not
- Choose if you want to name the filtered images
- & Much More...
IMG-IMPACT application can transform the pictures, given as input, into different variations of the same picture.
IMG-IMPACT application has many default images in the 'Images' directory. The user can select any image.
IMG-IMPACT application has many filters like linear filter, median filter etc. The user can select any filter.
IMG-IMPACT application also has many operations and methods such as rotating, cropping the image, etc. The user can select any method.
IMG-IMPACT can be used to create new images, from the old images.
Finally, IMG-IMPACT can be used to save the new created, editted and filtered images, with default image names or user defined names, as per the user's choice.
This project could also be used as a
forLinear Algebra courses
, likeUE20MA251
or ue20ma251. -
Other Examples or Other Usage:
- Use IMG-IMPACT to batch process a series of images with a specific filter.
- Employ IMG-IMPACT in a data preprocessing pipeline for machine learning models that require image data.
- Utilize IMG-IMPACT for educational purposes to demonstrate the effects of different image processing techniques.
Thank you for exploring the IMG-IMPACT project. Happy Image Editting, Filtering and Processing! 🖼️ 🔄