This module was created for demonstrating my code style in case if my code example is needed. I use this repo instead of test tasks.
Image plugin Magento 2
- Replace product images with cat images on product details and category list
The module has admin settings
Go to admin panel
Stores -> Configuration -> BelSmol -> CATAAS
There are several tabs
Enabled setting - Enable module if need, by default it's disabled.
API Host setting - host of CATAAS API server
Cat's text setting - text, which will be shown in pictures
###Example of cat images:
Category view page:
Product View Page:
- Magento >= 2.4.3
- Php >= 7.4
Create app/code/BelSmol/CATAAS folder and put all module folders to this directory. Run:
php bin/magento module:enable BelSmol_CATAAS
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:flush