bash 2-3 letter aliases to shortcut various commands, variously:
- git commands
- package commands for apt (Ubuntu/Debian), dnf (Fedora/CentOS) & pacman (ARCH)
- octopress blogging
- .mov to .gif conversion (using ffmpeg)
- common DOS command equivalents
- ssh encryption key creation and authorization (especially elliptical curve)
- dns cache flush
- command history
- mysql/mariadb
- ls
- mkdir/rmdir
- vi/vim
- dpkg
- btrfs
- systemctl
- journalctl
- blkid
- mount/umount
##Installation assuming the git clone directory tree has a conventional layout and looks like
└── bash_aliases/
├── bash_aliases
└── README.md
ln -s ~/git/bash_aliases/bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bash_aliases
# add bash_aliases login load for everyone
BR=bashrc #run control file name
BA=bash_aliases #alias file name
EF=\$EF #execution file
if [ -e /etc/bash.$BR ] #?-ubuntu central rc?
BR=/etc/bash.$BR #y-save for later
BR=/etc/$BR #n-use fedora style
fi #@end rc style check
grep "source" $BR >/dev/null #see if we are already there
if [ $? -eq 1 ] #?-find us?
then #n-add the logic
cat <<_EOF >>$BR #append to /etc RC file
# do alias load for everyone
if [ -e $EF ];
source $EF
fi #@-done adding bashrc logic