Saleae Logic 2 High Level Analyzer: Crossfire decoder for R/C protocol as used by TBS Crossfire, Tracer or ExpressLRS
- Install the CRSF analyzer in Logic 2 from the extensions menu. 😉
- Create a new 'Async Serial' analyzer, set the baud rate to 420000, 8N1, LSB, non-inverted.
- Create a new 'CRSF' analyzer, configure it and pick the previously created 'Async Serial' analyzer.
- Done. 🚀
This is still a very early release. Currently full decoding of the following frames are supported:
- Link statistics (0x14)
- RC channels packed (0x16)
- Battery Sensor Packet (0x08)
- Flight Mode (0x21)
- Gps Packet (0x02)(Experimental need testers)
- Heart Beat Packet (0x0B)
- Ping (0x28)
- Attitude (0x1E)
- Device info (0x29)
It currently Contains the following features:
- CRC check
- Destination device address
- Selectable Channel value units
- payload length check for different packets
- basic error handling
The decoder features a state machine that parses all frames so it can easily be extended to decode future frames.
Some groundwork for additional frames already exists.
- units of gps and others
- altitude, pitch role yaw are to be checked