To disable vst3 build use -DABNINJAM_VST=OFF
To disable lv2 build use -DABNINJAM_LV2=OFF
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libxcb-util-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev libvorbis-dev zenity lv2-dev libfreetype-dev libcairo2-dev liblo-dev
- Initialize submodule dependencies:
git submodule update --init
- Configure build:
mkdir build/ && cd build/ && cmake ..
- To set custom installation directory use
mkdir build/ && cd build/ && cmake -DVSTPLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=/your/custom/path ..
instead - To build without GUI use option
- To build with logging to file use option
- Compile:
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
cmake --build . --target uninstall
- Install dependencies:
and extract to%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\abNninjam\
vcpkg install libvorbis:x64-windows-static
vcpkg integrate install
- Initialize submodule dependencies:
git submodule update --init
- Configure build:
mkdir build/ && cd build/ && cmake -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="Release" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/your/toolchain/file.cmake ..
- To build without GUI use option
- To build with logging to file use option
- Compile:
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
- Install dependencies:
brew install pkg-config
brew install libvorbis
brew install zenity
brew install lv2
brew install liblo
- Initialize submodule dependencies:
git submodule update --init
- Configure build:
mkdir build/ && cd build/ && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOGG_ROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/libogg/ -DVorbis_ROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/libvorbis/ -DLIBLO_ROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/liblo/ -DLV2_ROOT=/usr/local/Cellar/lv2/ -GXcode ..
- To build without GUI use option
- To build with logging to file use option
- Compile:
cmake --build . --config Release
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
Plugin can be used with GUI or specifying parameters in ~/abNinjam/
file. Available options:
autoLicenseAgree property is used to automatically agree to the license provided by the server (for example if you use your own server and know the license) (default: false).
autoRemoteVolume is set for adjusting remote channel volume by distributing it and protecting from clipping (default: true).
autoSyncBpm enables sending OSC message /tempo/raw {int}
to host to change it's BPM if BPM is changed on Ninjam server. As well as sending /bpm command or voting command to change BPM for Ninjam server if BPM is changed on host. (default: true)