- httpClientModule was added in "app.module.ts" (angular app)
- I added model (angular app)
- I use Rss model in rss service (angular app)
- route "/getrss" was upadted (I added a request to DB) (nodejs server) and made it async
- cors (server side) pls read why I did it (pls do it as last point of homework it is a not major task)
final homework:
- link has to be dynamicly and inserts _id into href like "/article/5bab2d4f38d7f548090d5c23"
- you have to create new component for extended display Article ( or if you wish RSS)
- this route http://localhost:4808/article/5bab2d4f38d7f548090d5c23 has to lead to this new component
- when this new component init, it has to load data from service and you have to extend service (add new method: getRssById )
- on server side: pls add new route (e g. http://localhost:4707/getRssById) which will be return rss by id