Simple project to use TDD
- A user has a name and an email
- The email must be unique for all users
- An auction has a description, an start date, an end data, a seller, a starting price
- A user cannot bid on his/her own auction
- Pair programing
- Test-driven (TDD)
- Useful --testdox output
- 100% code coverage
- No database
- No Server
- Use value objects
- There are hidden / implicit requirements
- Clone this repo and enter it
- Install the dependencies (
composer install
- Run the tests
vendor/bin/phpunit --colors
- See Coverage: (Open index.html in coverage folder)
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html coverage
- See TestDox
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox
or in html format
vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox-html dox.html