Life of py_thon
-A user will # with us and become a member
Upon signing in, the user will be able to do a few things - Create a character with a unique name - View their battle history - View their characters with their respective stats and attacks * They should be able to update their character's attacks as well - Initiate a random battle with a enemy * If a user has > 1 char, they must choose which char they want to use
Some key conditions - User's Characters' * A character may only have 4 attacks . A player can update its character's attacks in the main menu * Each class is weak to certain element attacks/strong against others/ neutral to the rest - When a battle is over stats get updated, and the user is redirected back to the main menu -Stats will remain the same for now. We plan to introduce 'leveling up later on' * Each char has attribute, and attacks .A char can have up to 4 attacks, but doesn't need to have 4