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Sample scripts to automate scaleable runners (actions#427)
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bryanmacfarlane authored Apr 17, 2020
1 parent e1a3c1d commit 147eb82
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# Automate Configuring Self-Hosted Runners

## Export PAT

Before running any of these sample scripts, create a GitHub PAT and export it before running the script


## Create running as a service

**Scenario**: Run on a machine or VM (not container) which automates:

- Resolving latest released runner
- Download and extract latest
- Acquire a registration token
- Configure the runner
- Run as a systemd (linux) or Launchd (osx) service

:point_right: [Sample script here](../scripts/ :point_left:

Run as a one-liner. NOTE: replace with yourorg/yourrepo (repo level) or just yourorg (org level)
curl -s | bash -s yourorg/yourrepo

## Uninstall running as service

**Scenario**: Run on a machine or VM (not container) which automates:

- Stops and uninstalls the systemd (linux) or Launchd (osx) service
- Acquires a removal token
- Removes the runner

:point_right: [Sample script here](../scripts/ :point_left:

Repo level one liner. NOTE: replace with yourorg/yourrepo (repo level) or just yourorg (org level)
curl -s | bash -s yourorg/yourrepo

### Delete an offline runner

**Scenario**: Deletes a registered runner that is offline:

- Ensures the runner is offline
- Resolves id from name
- Deletes the runner

:point_right: [Sample script here](../scripts/ :point_left:

Repo level one-liner. NOTE: replace with yourorg/yourrepo (repo level) or just yourorg (org level) and replace runnername
curl -s | bash -s yourorg/yourrepo runnername
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set -e

# Downloads latest releases (not pre-release) runner
# Configures as a service
# Examples:
# RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT> ./ myuser/myrepo
# RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT> ./ myorg
# Usage:
# export RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT>
# ./create-latest-svc scope [name] [user]
# scope required repo (:owner/:repo) or org (:organization)
# name optional defaults to hostname
# user optional user svc will run as. defaults to current
# Notes:
# PATS over envvars are more secure
# Should be used on VMs and not containers
# Works on OSX and Linux
# Assumes x64 arch


echo "Configuring runner @ ${runner_scope}"
sudo echo

# Validate Environment
[ ! -z "$(which sw_vers)" ] && runner_plat=osx;

function fatal()
echo "error: $1" >&2
exit 1

if [ -z "${runner_scope}" ]; then fatal "supply scope as argument 1"; fi
if [ -z "${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" ]; then fatal "RUNNER_CFG_PAT must be set before calling"; fi

which curl || fatal "curl required. Please install in PATH with apt-get, brew, etc"
which jq || fatal "jq required. Please install in PATH with apt-get, brew, etc"

# bail early if there's already a runner there. also sudo early
if [ -d ./runner ]; then
fatal "Runner already exists. Use a different directory or delete ./runner"

sudo -u ${svc_user} mkdir runner

# TODO: validate not in a container
# TODO: validate systemd or osx svc installer

# Get a config token
echo "Generating a registration token..."

# if the scope has a slash, it's an repo runner
if [[ "$runner_scope" == *\/* ]]; then

export RUNNER_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST ${base_api_url}/${runner_scope}/actions/runners/registration-token -H "accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "authorization: token ${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" | jq -r '.token')

if [ -z "$RUNNER_TOKEN" ]; then fatal "Failed to get a token"; fi

# Download latest released and extract
echo "Downloading latest runner ..."

latest_version_label=$(curl -s -X GET '' | jq -r '.tag_name')
latest_version=$(echo ${latest_version_label:1})

if [ -f "${runner_file}" ]; then
echo "${runner_file} exists. skipping download."

echo "Downloading ${latest_version_label} for ${runner_plat} ..."
echo $runner_url

curl -O -L ${runner_url}

ls -la *.tar.gz

# extract to runner directory in this directory
echo "Extracting ${runner_file} to ./runner"

tar xzf "./${runner_file}" -C runner

# export of pass
sudo chown -R $svc_user ./runner

pushd ./runner

# Unattend config
echo "Configuring ${runner_name} @ $runner_url"
echo "./ --unattended --url $runner_url --token *** --name $runner_name"
sudo -E -u ${svc_user} ./ --unattended --url $runner_url --token $RUNNER_TOKEN --name $runner_name

# Configuring as a service
echo "Configuring as a service ..."
if [ "${runner_plat}" == "linux" ]; then
prefix="sudo "

${prefix}./ install ${svc_user}
${prefix}./ start
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set -e

# Force deletes a runner from the service
# The caller should have already ensured the runner is gone and/or stopped
# Examples:
# RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT> ./ myuser/myrepo myname
# RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT> ./ myorg
# Usage:
# export RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT>
# ./ scope name
# scope required repo (:owner/:repo) or org (:organization)
# name optional defaults to hostname. name to delete
# Notes:
# PATS over envvars are more secure
# Works on OSX and Linux
# Assumes x64 arch


echo "Deleting runner ${runner_name} @ ${runner_scope}"

function fatal()
echo "error: $1" >&2
exit 1

if [ -z "${runner_scope}" ]; then fatal "supply scope as argument 1"; fi
if [ -z "${runner_name}" ]; then fatal "supply name as argument 2"; fi
if [ -z "${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" ]; then fatal "RUNNER_CFG_PAT must be set before calling"; fi

which curl || fatal "curl required. Please install in PATH with apt-get, brew, etc"
which jq || fatal "jq required. Please install in PATH with apt-get, brew, etc"

if [[ "$runner_scope" == *\/* ]]; then

# Ensure offline
runner_status=$(curl -s -X GET ${base_api_url}/${runner_scope}/actions/runners?per_page=100 -H "accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "authorization: token ${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" \
| jq -M -j ".runners | .[] | [select(.name == \"${runner_name}\")] | .[0].status")

if [ -z "${runner_status}" ]; then
fatal "Could not find runner with name ${runner_name}"

echo "Status: ${runner_status}"

if [ "${runner_status}" != "offline" ]; then
fatal "Runner should be offline before removing"

# Get id of runner to remove
runner_id=$(curl -s -X GET ${base_api_url}/${runner_scope}/actions/runners?per_page=100 -H "accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "authorization: token ${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" \
| jq -M -j ".runners | .[] | [select(.name == \"${runner_name}\")] | .[0].id")

if [ -z "${runner_id}" ]; then
fatal "Could not find runner with name ${runner_name}"

echo "Removing id ${runner_id}"

# Remove the runner
curl -s -X DELETE ${base_api_url}/${runner_scope}/actions/runners/${runner_id} -H "authorization: token ${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}"

echo "Done."
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set -e

# Removes a runner running as a service
# Must be run on the machine where the service is run
# Examples:
# RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT> ./ myuser/myrepo
# RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT> ./ myorg
# Usage:
# export RUNNER_CFG_PAT=<yourPAT>
# ./remove-svc scope name
# scope required repo (:owner/:repo) or org (:organization)
# name optional defaults to hostname. name to uninstall and remove
# Notes:
# PATS over envvars are more secure
# Should be used on VMs and not containers
# Works on OSX and Linux
# Assumes x64 arch


echo "Uninstalling runner ${runner_name} @ ${runner_scope}"
sudo echo

function fatal()
echo "error: $1" >&2
exit 1

if [ -z "${runner_scope}" ]; then fatal "supply scope as argument 1"; fi
if [ -z "${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" ]; then fatal "RUNNER_CFG_PAT must be set before calling"; fi

which curl || fatal "curl required. Please install in PATH with apt-get, brew, etc"
which jq || fatal "jq required. Please install in PATH with apt-get, brew, etc"

[ ! -z "$(which sw_vers)" ] && runner_plat=osx;

# Get a remove token
echo "Generating a removal token..."

# if the scope has a slash, it's an repo runner
if [[ "$runner_scope" == *\/* ]]; then

export REMOVE_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST ${base_api_url}/${runner_scope}/actions/runners/remove-token -H "accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "authorization: token ${RUNNER_CFG_PAT}" | jq -r '.token')

if [ -z "$REMOVE_TOKEN" ]; then fatal "Failed to get a token"; fi

# Stop and uninstall the service
echo "Uninstall the service ..."
pushd ./runner
if [ "${runner_plat}" == "linux" ]; then
prefix="sudo "
${prefix}./ stop
${prefix}./ uninstall
${prefix}./ remove --token $REMOVE_TOKEN

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