This repository contains code which implements a CI (Continuous Integration) service for GitHub. This service is implemented in Ruby. It monitors pull requests and attributes statuses to them. To receive the status success, a pull request needs to fulfill the following conditions:
- the pull request has an assignee
- the assignee needs to leave a comment with body "+1"
The following Ruby gems -along with their own dependencies- are required to run crhub:
- sinatra
- json
- octokit
- sqlite3
- parseconfig
- git
- daemons (only to run in daemon mode, i.e. when using crhub_daemon.rb)
You also need to obtain a GitHub [personal token]
( with the correct scope
is the only required scope). Copy this token and add it
as environment variable GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN
to your server.
Clone the crhub repo on your server and run it like this:
ruby crhub.rb <path to crhub conf file>
For example:
ruby crhub.rb crhub.conf
Take a look at the comments in the sample file [crhub.conf] (crhub.conf) for more information.
The final step is to add crhub as a webhook for your repository. Use the following configuration:
- payload url:
- events:
Pull Request
andIssue Comment
To run crhub as a daemon, simply use the crhub_daemon.rb
instead. The following commands are useful:
ruby crhub_daemon.rb start -- <full path to crhub conf file>
ruby crhub_daemon.rb stop
ruby crhub_daemon.rb restart -- <full path to crhub conf file>
ruby crhub_daemon.rb status
The crhub output will be logged to crhub_daemon.output
(in the
script's directory).