Use your own computer for running inference on language models. Interact with your machine as an oracle answering questions, reviewing, discussing, and enhancing your code directly in the editor.
- Ollama, and a model (see here for all available models)
- Curl (why would you not already have curl installed broo?)
Packer example:
use "antonio-hickey/Oracle.nvim"
Lazy example:
Use the :Oracle
- Set custom key maps:
-- example key map to run code review vim.keymap.set({'v', 'n'}, '<leader>r', ':OracleReview<CR>')
- See Suggested Integrations for more streamlined usage
-- What model do you want to use?
model = "llama3"
-- What ip is hosting your model?
host = "localhost"
-- Whats the port is the api running on?
port = "11434"
-- Print out debug messages?
debug = false
-- Stream responses from the model or wait until it's finished
body = {stream = true}
-- Show your prompt in the window
show_prompt = false
-- Show what model your using in the window
show_model = false
-- The key map for closing the window
quit_map = "q"
-- The key map for accepting a response
accept_map = "<c-cr>"
-- The key map for retrying a response
retry_map = "<c-r>"
-- Hide the responses
hidden = false
-- Performs the curl command to your Ai endpoint
command = function(opts)
local endpoint = "http://" .. .. ":" .. opts.port .. "/api/chat"
return "curl --silent --no-buffer -X POST " .. endpoint .. " -d $body"
-- Do you want your response in JSON ?
json_response = true
-- Window display
display_mode = "float"
-- Auto closing window
no_auto_close = false
-- Initialize your ollama
init = function() pcall(io.popen, "ollama serve > /dev/null 2>&1 &") end
-- Prompts for interacting with your model
-- NOTE: You can add custom prompts, commands for them will automatically
-- be created e.g. :OracleCustomPrompt
options.prompts = {
Ask = { prompt = "Regarding the following code, $input:\n$text" },
Chat = { prompt = "$input" },
Change = {
prompt = "Regarding the following code, $input, only output the result in format ```$filetype\n...\n```:\n```$filetype\n$text\n```",
replace = true,
extract = "```$filetype\n(.-)```",
Comment = {
prompt = "Regarding the following code, write comments where needed especially for 'doc comments', do not add or refactor code only comments, only output the result in format ```$filetype\n...\n```:\n```$filetype\n$text\n```",
replace = true,
extract = "```$filetype\n(.-)```",
Generate = { prompt = "$input", replace = true },
Review = {
prompt = "Review the following code and make concise suggestions, look for bugs, unhandled errors, inconsistencies, bad practices :\n```$filetype\n$text\n```",
Refactor = {
prompt = "Refactor and enhance the following code, only output the result in format ```$filetype\n...\n```:\n```$filetype\n$text\n```",
replace = true,
extract = "```$filetype\n(.-)```",
Summarize = { prompt = "Summarize the following code:\n$text" },
I personally use which-key with Oracle for mapping and displaying short cuts for Oracle commands.
Here's a basic which-key config for Oracle:
-- This function is for handeling selection ranges
-- for your oracle queries when in visual mode
local function oracle_cmd(cmd)
local mode = vim.fn.mode()
if mode == "v" or mode == "V" then
-- Close which-key window
-- It will affect with selection (diff buffer)
vim.cmd('normal! :<C-u>')
-- Run the Oracle command with the selection range
vim.cmd(string.format("'<,'>%s", cmd))
local mappings = {
-- ... Your other mappings
o = {
icon = "",
name = "Oracle",
a = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleAsk") end, "Ask Question" },
c = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleComment") end, "Generate Comments" },
d = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleDiscuss") end, "Discuss Something" },
e = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleRefactor") end, "Enhance Code" },
g = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleGenerate") end, "Generate Code" },
r = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleReview") end, "Review Code" },
s = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleSummarize") end, "Summarize Code" },
u = { function() oracle_cmd("OracleChange") end, "Update Code" },