Releases: antonioCoco/RunasCs
Releases · antonioCoco/RunasCs
RunasCs version 1.5
- Added flag --remote-impersonation that will spawn the new process with the main thread impersonating the requested user logon. This can facilitate some IL escape scenarios, e.g. elevation from std user -> service user.
- Added a new check for identifying if the user logon is limited and suggesting potential higher privileged logon types assigned to the user.
- Added a new check when the requested user logon return ERROR_LOGON_TYPE_NOT_GRANTED. Now checking if other logon types are available to the user and print a message if any are found.
- Improved UAC checks for the token got from the user authentication. Now checking both TokenElevation and TokenElevationType.
- Improved behavior when creating the user profile. Now detecting if the profile directories have been already created.
- Improved Error handling by printing the corresponding error message instead of the error code number.
- All duplicated tokens have been downgraded from the unnecessary Delegation level to Impersonation.
- Huge refactor of the core function "RunAs", now divided in multiple sub-functions to improve readability (RunasRemoteImpersonation, RunasCreateProcessWithLogonW, RunasCreateProcessWithTokenW, RunasCreateProcessAsUserW).
- Fixed a bug in the user profile creation.
- Fixed a bug when flushing the Console for printing output messages properly.
- Fixed a bug when enabling all privileges in the new token.
- Fixed a bug when checking UAC limitation on Unlock logon types.
- Fixed a bug when calling RevertToSelf and the thread was already impersonating.
- Fixed a bug by enabling SeImpersonatePrivilege and SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege when the calling process has them disabled.
- Fixed a bug when unloading the user profile.
RunasCs version 1.4
- Added flag --bypass-uac that allows to spawn a process as an Administrator (if password is known) with full privileges even from a Medium IL process.
- Changed default logon type from Network (3) to NetworkCleartext (8). This provides both advantages of avoiding UAC filtering local tokens and still allowing authentication over the network with the identity.
- Refactored code for the class AccessToken in charge of managing all the business logic about access tokens.
- Refactored ugly code for enabling all privileges in the access token retrieved by LogonUser().
- Removed check for the unnecessary privilege "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege" when using CreateProcessAsUser().
- Fixed a bug when setting ACL for Station\Desktop and using logon type 9.
- Fixed a double close handle bug.
- Fixed console output flushing when printing messages.
- Fixed a bug handling an exception raised in particular conditions in CreateEnvironmentBlock().
Credits to @winlogon0 for the UAC bypass implementation in C#.
RunasCs version 1.3
- The spawned process will have an environment block associated containing the required environment variables;
- Added -r flag to redirect stdout, stdin, stderr to a remote host;
- Added --create-profile flag to force the user profile creation.
- Simple commandline parser with optional arguments added to the exe;
- Switch from a static method to object invocation;
- Now the logon type 9 is an abstraction that works for every process function providing a feature like the /netonly flag present in runas.exe.
- Now the domain name "." is recognized;
- Switch to exception based error handling. When using the ps1 version the previous error handling using System.Environment.Exit() was causing the powershell process to exit;
- Fixed a bug that caused RunasCs to hang also after the timeout. This was due to the pipe created in blocking mode. Now the pipe is set to PIPE_NOWAIT;
- Fixed a bug when logon type 9 is requested. The provider LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50 must be used in the LogonUser function;
- Improved handle cleanup;
- Fixed a bug for the default behavior of the CreateProcessAsUser. If the new user has not permission to access to the current directory the process won't be created.
Big credits to @qtc-de for the nice improvements.
RunasCs version 1.2
- Big Change: Added properly DACL in the running Window Station and Desktop of the calling process;
- Changed the way the output of the child process is retrieved. Now using a Pipe instead of a file for the stdout and stderr.
RunasCs version 1.1
- Added compatibility for Assembly Reflection in CSharp module
- Added powershell wrapper for RunasCs named Invoke-RunasCs.ps1 with better argument parsing
RunasCs version 1.0 released
RunasCs version 1.0 released