PlatformIO wrapper for Neovim written in Lua.
Try the plugin with this minimal standalone config without making any changes to your current plugin. Very useful if you facing error while installation or using
nvim -u minimal_config.lua
# Now run :Pioinit
Check the install instructions on the PlatformIO docs
Install the plugin using packer
use {
requires = {
Or Install the plugin using lazy
return {
dependencies = {
{ "akinsho/nvim-toggleterm.lua" },
{ "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
lsp = "ccls" --default: ccls, other option: clangd
-- If you pick clangd, it also creates compile_commands.json
It's possible to lazy load the plugin using Lazy.nvim, this will load the plugins only when it is needed, to enable lazy loading, add this plugin spec to your config.
cmd = {
- Connect Piodebug with DAP