50 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
๐ New features and improvements
- [MJAR-278] - Update plugin (requires Maven 3.2.5+) (#19) @cstamas
- [MJAR-280] - Java 8 minimum (#29) @olamy
๐ Bug Fixes
- [MJAR-275] - Fix outputTimestamp not applied to module-info; breaks reproducible builds (#43) @jorsol
๐ฆ Dependency updates
- [MJAR-290] - Update Plexus Utils to 3.4.2 (#48) @jorsol
- [MJAR-291] - Upgrade Parent to 37 (#50) @jorsol
- Bump junit from 4.11 to 4.13.1 in /src/it/MJAR-228 (#39) @dependabot
- Bump plexus-utils from 3.3.1 to 3.4.2 (#42) @dependabot
- [MJAR-288] - Upgrade Parent to 36 (#40) @slawekjaranowski
๐ Documentation updates
- Restore mavenArchiverVersion property used in the site (#51) @jorsol
- (doc) Updated create-test-jar.apt.vm removing 'and' in Maven site Create Test JAR documentation (#34) @focbenz