A blazor wrapper for ApexCharts.js
dotnet add package Blazor-ApexCharts
ApexChartService is an optional service that will manage global options, set locales, manage charts on the screen. Add the chart service to the DI container by using the extension AddApexCharts(). This will add a scoped IApexChartService to the container.
or add it with global options
services.AddApexCharts(e =>
e.GlobalOptions = new ApexChartBaseOptions
Debug = true,
Theme = new Theme { Palette = PaletteType.Palette6 }
Add a reference to Blazor-ApexCharts
in your _Imports.razor
@using ApexCharts
If you are on .NET 8 you need to set the rendermode to Interactive.
Interactive Server, Interactive WebAssembly or Interactive Auto
<ApexChart TItem="MyData"
Title="Sample Data">
<ApexPointSeries TItem="MyData"
Name="Net Profit"
XValue="e => e.Category"
YValue="e=> e.NetProfit" />
<ApexPointSeries TItem="MyData"
XValue="e => e.Category"
YValue="e=> e.Revenue" />
@code {
private List<MyData> Data { get; set; } = new();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Data.Add(new MyData { Category = "Jan", NetProfit = 12, Revenue = 33 });
Data.Add(new MyData { Category = "Feb", NetProfit = 43, Revenue = 42 });
Data.Add(new MyData { Category = "Mar", NetProfit = 112, Revenue = 23 });
public class MyData
public string Category { get; set; }
public int NetProfit { get; set; }
public int Revenue { get; set; }
Apex Chart options are available in the ApexChartOptions
class that can be passed to the chart. More info in Apex documentation ApexCharts Docs.
The chart options cannot be shared. Each chart instance must have its own ApexChartOptions instance
Credits to @thirstyape for making production release possible.