This is a CLI neo4j CMS tool for my website. Its a nice little tool I've been using. To install it you need to create a file in the following format:
neo4j_cred = dict(
NEO4J_URI= [neo4j aura URL],
NEO4J_USERNAME= [neo4j db username],
NEO4J_PASSWORD= [neo4j db password],
AURA_INSTANCEID= [neo4j aura instance ID],
AURA_INSTANCENAME= [neo4j aura instance name]
you can get a free instance from the neo4j Aura site
- Clone this repo.
- Create a file with the format above.
- I recommend using pipenv, install using
pipenv install --editable .
inside the cloned folder.
- post-delete
- post-list
- post-update
- post-write
You can write, delete, update, and list the existing posts in your neo4j database.
- add function to create a content folder
- explanation on how it works on the website