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Merge pull request CliMA#438 from climate-machine/more-coriolis-options
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More coriolis options
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suyashbire1 authored Oct 24, 2019
2 parents 27493f3 + 88427a6 commit 7bbdd3d
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Showing 6 changed files with 123 additions and 22 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Oceananigans.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export

# Constants
FPlane, BetaPlane,
second, minute, hour, day,

# Grids
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92 changes: 74 additions & 18 deletions src/coriolis.jl
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@@ -1,45 +1,101 @@
using .TurbulenceClosures: ▶xy_cfa, ▶xy_fca

##### Functions for non-rotating models

@inline x_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{T}, ::Nothing, U) where T = zero(T)
@inline y_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{T}, ::Nothing, U) where T = zero(T)
@inline z_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{T}, ::Nothing, U) where T = zero(T)
@inline x_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{FT}, ::Nothing, U) where FT = zero(FT)
@inline y_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{FT}, ::Nothing, U) where FT = zero(FT)
@inline z_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{FT}, ::Nothing, U) where FT = zero(FT)

##### The 'FPlane' approximation. This is equivalent to a model with a constant
##### rotation rate around its vertical axis.

FPlane{T} <: AbstractRotation
FPlane{FT} <: AbstractRotation
A parameter object for constant rotation around a vertical axis.
struct FPlane{T} <: AbstractRotation
f :: T
struct FPlane{FT} <: AbstractRotation
f :: FT

FPlane([T=Float64;] f)
FPlane([FT=Float64;] f=nothing, rotation_rate=nothing, latitude=nothing)
Returns a parameter object for constant rotation at the angular frequency
`2f`, and therefore with background vorticity `f`, around a vertical axis.
`f/2`, and therefore with background vorticity `f`, around a vertical axis.
If `f` is not specified, it is calculated from `rotation_rate` and
`latitude` according to the relation `f = 2*rotation_rate*sind(latitude).
Also called `FPlane`, after the "f-plane" approximation for the local effect of
Also called `FPlane`, after the "f-plane" approximation for the local effect of
Earth's rotation in a planar coordinate system tangent to the Earth's surface.
function FPlane(T::DataType=Float64; f)
return FPlane{T}(f)
function FPlane(FT=Float64; f=nothing, rotation_rate=nothing, latitude=nothing)

if f == nothing && rotation_rate != nothing && latitude != nothing
return FPlane{FT}(2rotation_rate*sind(latitude))
elseif f != nothing && rotation_rate == nothing && latitude == nothing
return FPlane{FT}(f)
throw(ArgumentError("Either both keywords rotation_rate and
latitude must be specified, *or* only f
must be specified."))

@inline x_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid, coriolis::FPlane, U) = - coriolis.f * ▶xy_fca(i, j, k, grid, U.v)
@inline y_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid, coriolis::FPlane, U) = coriolis.f * ▶xy_cfa(i, j, k, grid, U.u)
@inline z_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{FT}, coriolis::FPlane, U) where FT = zero(FT)

##### The Beta Plane

BetaPlane{T} <: AbstractRotation
A parameter object for meridionally increasing Coriolis
parameter (`f = f₀ + βy`).
struct BetaPlane{T} <: AbstractRotation
f₀ :: T
β :: T

@inline fv(i, j, k, grid::RegularCartesianGrid{T}, f, v) where T =
T(0.5) * f * (avgy_f2c(grid, v, i-1, j, k) + avgy_f2c(grid, v, i, j, k))
BetaPlane([T=Float64;] f₀=nothing, β=nothing,
rotation_rate=nothing, latitude=nothing, radius=nothing)
@inline fu(i, j, k, grid::RegularCartesianGrid{T}, f, u) where T =
T(0.5) * f * (avgx_f2c(grid, u, i, j-1, k) + avgx_f2c(grid, u, i, j, k))
A parameter object for meridionally increasing Coriolis parameter (`f = f₀ + βy`).
The user may specify both `f₀` and `β`, or the three parameters
`rotation_rate`, `latitude`, and `radius` that specify the rotation rate and radius
of a planet, and the central latitude at which the `β`-plane approximation is to be made.
function BetaPlane(T=Float64; f₀=nothing, β=nothing,
rotation_rate=nothing, latitude=nothing, radius=nothing)

@inline x_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid, rotation::FPlane, U) = -fv(i, j, k, grid, rotation.f, U.v)
@inline y_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid, rotation::FPlane, U) = fu(i, j, k, grid, rotation.f, U.u)
@inline z_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{T}, ::FPlane, U) where T = zero(T)
f_and_β = f₀ != nothing && β != nothing
planet_parameters = rotation_rate != nothing && latitude != nothing && radius != nothing

(f_and_β && all(Tuple(p === nothing for p in (rotation_rate, latitude, radius)))) ||
(planet_parameters && all(Tuple(p === nothing for p in (f₀, β)))) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Either both keywords f₀ and β must be specified,
*or* all of rotation_rate, latitude, and radius."))

if planet_parameters
f₀ = 2rotation_rate * sind(latitude)
β = 2rotation_rate * cosd(latitude) / radius

return BetaPlane{T}(f₀, β)

@inline x_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid, coriolis::BetaPlane, U) =
@inbounds - (coriolis.f₀ + coriolis.β * grid.yC[j]) * ▶xy_fca(i, j, k, grid, U.v)
@inline y_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid, coriolis::BetaPlane, U) =
@inbounds (coriolis.f₀ + coriolis.β * grid.yF[j]) * ▶xy_cfa(i, j, k, grid, U.u)
@inline z_f_cross_U(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{FT}, coriolis::BetaPlane, U) where FT = zero(FT)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function run_ocean_large_eddy_simulation_regression_test(arch, closure)
# Model instantiation
model = Model(
architecture = arch,
grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(16, 16, 16), length=(16, 16, 16)),
grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(16, 16, 16), length=(16, 16, 16)),
coriolis = FPlane(f=1e-4),
buoyancy = SeawaterBuoyancy(equation_of_state=LinearEquationOfState=2e-4, β=8e-4)),
closure = closure,
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33 changes: 31 additions & 2 deletions test/test_coriolis.jl
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@@ -1,14 +1,43 @@
function instantiate_coriolis(T)
function instantiate_fplane_1(T)
coriolis = FPlane(T, f=π)
return coriolis.f == T(π)

function instantiate_fplane_2(T)
coriolis = FPlane(T, rotation_rate=2, latitude=30)
return coriolis.f == T(2)

function instantiate_betaplane_1(T)
coriolis = BetaPlane(T, f₀=π, β=2π)
return coriolis.f₀ == T(π)

function instantiate_betaplane_2(T)
coriolis = BetaPlane(T, latitude=70, radius=2π, rotation_rate=3π)
return coriolis.f₀ == T(6π * sind(70))

@testset "Coriolis" begin
println("Testing Coriolis...")

@testset "Coriolis" begin
for T in float_types
@test instantiate_coriolis(T)
@test instantiate_fplane_1(T)
@test instantiate_fplane_2(T)
@test instantiate_betaplane_1(T)
@test instantiate_betaplane_2(T)
# Test that FPlane throws an ArgumentError
@test_throws ArgumentError FPlane(T, rotation_rate=7e-5)
@test_throws ArgumentError FPlane(T, latitude=40)
@test_throws ArgumentError FPlane(T, f=1, rotation_rate=7e-5)
@test_throws ArgumentError FPlane(T, f=1, latitude=40)
@test_throws ArgumentError FPlane(T, f=1, rotation_rate=7e-5, latitude=40)
# Non-exhaustively test that BetaPlane throws an ArgumentError
@test_throws ArgumentError BetaPlane(T, f₀=1)
@test_throws ArgumentError BetaPlane(T, β=1)
@test_throws ArgumentError BetaPlane(T, latitude=70)
@test_throws ArgumentError BetaPlane(T, f₀=1e-4, β=1e-11, latitude=70)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/test_regression.jl
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions test/test_time_stepping.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ function time_stepping_works(arch, FT, Closure)
return true # test that no errors/crashes happen when time stepping.

function time_stepping_works_with_beta_plane(arch, FT)
model = Model(
float_type = FT,
architecture = arch,
grid = RegularCartesianGrid(FT, size=(16, 16, 16), length=(1, 2, 3)),
coriolis = BetaPlane(FT, f₀=1e-4, β=1e-11)
time_step!(model, 1, 1)
return true # test that no errors/crashes happen when time stepping.

function run_first_AB2_time_step_tests(arch, FT)
add_ones(args...) = 1.0
model = Model(grid=RegularCartesianGrid(FT; size=(16, 16, 16), length=(1, 2, 3)),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,6 +162,10 @@ Closures = (ConstantIsotropicDiffusivity, ConstantAnisotropicDiffusivity,
@test time_stepping_works(arch, FT, Closure)

for arch in archs, FT in float_types
@test time_stepping_works_with_beta_plane(arch, FT)

@testset "2nd-order Adams-Bashforth" begin
println(" Testing 2nd-order Adams-Bashforth...")
for arch in archs, FT in float_types
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