This is a parser for CSV transaction history exported from Partners Banka, a.s. (Czech Republic) from within the mobile app (Account // ... (more) // Documents // Generate statement)
The expected field separator is semicolumn (";") and character encoding UTF-8
It is a plugin for ofxstatement.
$ ofxstatement convert -t partnersbankacz:SA vypis_3408294210_20240505_20240531.csv vypis_3408294210_20240505_20240531.ofx
$ ofxstatement edit-config
and set e.g. the following:
[partnersbankacz:SA] plugin = partnersbankacz currency = CZK account = Partners Banka SA account_type = SAVINGS [partnersbankacz:CA] plugin = partnersbankacz currency = CZK account = Partners Banka CA account_type = CHECKING
Partners Banka is fresh newcomer to the market and things may change - especially the payment types list is not complete yet.
Feel free to create GitHub pull request to accomodate for the changes.