Releases: arghya339/apk-me
Phone by Google v160.0.721057090
Phone by Google v160.0.721057090 + Call Recording
Min: Android 10+
Arch: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
Features: Disabled Google Dialer Call Recording Announcement
Zebpay DiffPackage v3.44.03 (463)
v3.44.03(463) Update
Reddit v2025.03.0 (RVX 5.3.1)
Warning: SEVERE: "Remove subreddit dialog" failed: Reddit_2025.05.0-2194266.apk
java 17: ~ pkg install openjdk-17
~ winget install Oracle.JDK.17
~ brew install openjdk
Android SDK Platform Tools
~ java -jar $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\APKEditor-1.4.1.jar m -i $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.01.0-2118801_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apkm -o $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.01.0-2118801_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apk
PS C:\Users\arghy> java -jar C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\APKEditor-1.4.1.jar m -i C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2157131_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apkm -o C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2157131_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apk
00.000 I: [MERGE] Using: APKEditor version 1.4.1, ARSCLib version 1.3.5
-i = C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2157131_3arch
= _7dpi_24lang.apkm
-o = C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2157131_3arch
= _7dpi_24lang.apk
00.007 I: [MERGE] Extracting to: C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\tmp_d1c57202
00.628 I: [MERGE] Searching apk files ...
00.630 I: [MERGE] Found apk files: 35
00.797 I: [MERGE] Found modules: 35
00.861 I: [MERGE] Merging: base
00.863 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes.dex -> classes.dex
00.863 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes2.dex -> classes2.dex
00.864 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes3.dex -> classes3.dex
00.864 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes4.dex -> classes4.dex
00.864 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes5.dex -> classes5.dex
00.864 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes6.dex -> classes6.dex
00.864 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes7.dex -> classes7.dex
00.865 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes8.dex -> classes8.dex
00.865 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes9.dex -> classes9.dex
00.865 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes10.dex -> classes10.dex
00.865 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes11.dex -> classes11.dex
00.865 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes12.dex -> classes12.dex
01.455 I: [MERGE] Merging:
01.723 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.ko
01.807 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.arm64_v8a
01.810 I: [MERGE] Merging:
01.904 I: [MERGE] Merging:
01.969 I: [MERGE] Merging:
02.041 I: [MERGE] Merging:
02.117 I: [MERGE] Merging:
02.259 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.ja
02.336 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.xxhdpi
02.442 I: [MERGE] Merging:
02.617 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.xxxhdpi
02.699 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.en
02.838 I: [MERGE] Merging:
02.933 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.mdpi
03.046 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.265 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.zh
03.377 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.496 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.600 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.846 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.060 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.hi
04.235 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.x86_64
04.235 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.390 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.617 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.775 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.ldpi
04.949 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.tvdpi
05.123 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.xhdpi
05.265 I: [MERGE] Merging:
05.424 I: [MERGE] Merging:
05.678 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.hdpi
05.835 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.armeabi_v7a
05.851 I: [MERGE] Merging:
06.202 I: [MERGE] Sanitizing manifest ...
06.202 I: [MERGE] Removed-attribute : @0x0101064e
06.202 I: [MERGE] Removed-attribute : @0x0101064f
06.202 I: [MERGE] Removed-attribute : extractNativeLibs
06.202 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
06.202 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
06.202 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
06.211 I: [MERGE] Removed-table-entry : res/xml/splits0.xml
06.216 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
06.216 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
06.489 I: [MERGE] Writing apk ...
06.507 I: [MERGE] Buffering compress changed files ...
11.456 I: [MERGE] Writing files: 5523
11.808 I: [MERGE] Writing signature block ...
11.865 I: [MERGE] Saved to: C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2157131_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apk
Patching in CLI
~ java -jar $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\revanced-cli-5.0.1-all.jar patch -p $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\patches-5.3.1-dev.2.rvp --purge -o $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\reddit-revanced-extended_2025.01.0-5.3.1-all.apk $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2118801_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apk --unsigned -f
PS C:\Users\arghy> java -jar C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\revanced-cli-5.0.1-all.jar patch -p C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\patches-5.3.1-dev.2.rvp --purge -o $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\reddit-revanced-extended_2025.03.0-5.3.1-all.apk C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.reddit.frontpage_2025.03.0-2157131_3arch_7dpi_24lang.apk --unsigned -f
INFO: Loading patches
INFO: Decoding app manifest
INFO: "Change version code" disabled
INFO: "Custom branding name for Reddit" disabled
INFO: "Change package name" disabled
INFO: Setting patch options
INFO: Deleting existing temporary files directory
SEVERE: Failed to delete existing temporary files directory
INFO: Decoding resources
INFO: Initializing lookup maps
INFO: Executing patches
INFO: "Disable screenshot popup" succeeded
INFO: "Hide Recently Visited shelf" succeeded
INFO: "Hide ads" succeeded
INFO: "Hide navigation buttons" succeeded
INFO: "Hide recommended communities shelf" succeeded
INFO: "Open links directly" succeeded
INFO: "Open links externally" succeeded
INFO: "Premium icon" succeeded
INFO: "Remove subreddit dialog" succeeded
INFO: "Sanitize sharing links" succeeded
INFO: "Settings for Reddit" succeeded
INFO: Compiling modified resources
INFO: Aligning APK
INFO: Saved to C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\reddit-revanced-extended_2025.03.0-5.3.1-all.apk
INFO: Purging temporary files
INFO: Failed to purge resource cache directory
create ks.keystore
~ keytool -genkey -v -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ks.keystore -alias ReVancedKey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 36050 -dname "CN=arghya339, OU=Android Development Team, O=ReVanced, L=Kolkata, S=West Bengal, C=In" -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456
signed patch apk
~ apksigner sign --ks $env:USERPROFILE\ks.keystore --ks-key-alias ReVancedKey --ks-pass pass:123456 --key-pass pass:123456 --out $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\reddit-revanced-extended-signed_2025.03.0-5.3.1-all.apk $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\reddit-revanced-extended_2025.03.0-5.3.1-all.apk
*Include Patches:
¹Disable screenshot popup
²Unlock premium Reddit icons
³Hide ads
⁴Sanitize sharing links
⁵Hide Recently Visited shelf
⁶Hide navigation buttons
⁷Hide recommended communities shelf
⁸Open links directly
⁹Open links externally
¹⁰Premium icon
¹¹Remove subreddit dialog
¹²Settings for Reddit
Min: Android 9+
Arch: Universal
Changelog + WARP v6.38
Min: Android 5.0
Arch: arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a + x86 + x86_64 (universal) + WARP - PlayStore or Cloudflare One Agent + WARP - APKMirror + SAI
java: ~ winget install Oracle.JDK.17 ~ brew install openjdk ~ pkg install openjdk-17
java -jar APKEditor-1.4.1.jar m -i com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-4617_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apkm -o com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-4617_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apk -f base,arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,x86_64,x86,mdpi,hdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi,en
PS C:\Users\arghy> java -jar C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\APKEditor-1.4.1.jar m -i C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-4617_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apkm -o C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-4617_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apk
00.000 I: [MERGE] Using: APKEditor version 1.4.1, ARSCLib version 1.3.5
-i = C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-46
= 17_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apkm
-o = C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-46
= 17_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apk
00.011 I: [MERGE] Extracting to: C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\tmp_1ed275bc
02.831 I: [MERGE] Searching apk files ...
02.833 I: [MERGE] Found apk files: 36
02.920 I: [MERGE] Found modules: 36
02.967 I: [MERGE] Merging: base
02.968 I: [MERGE] Added [base] classes.dex -> classes.dex
03.204 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.253 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.ko
03.278 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.arm64_v8a
03.279 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.318 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.340 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.358 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.394 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.438 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.ja
03.471 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.xxhdpi
03.501 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.539 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.xxxhdpi
03.577 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.en
03.615 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.669 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.mdpi
03.707 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.750 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.zh
03.801 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.857 I: [MERGE] Merging:
03.920 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.x86
03.921 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.004 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.092 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.hi
04.126 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.x86_64
04.128 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.194 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.259 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.343 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.ldpi
04.399 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.tvdpi
04.495 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.xhdpi
04.552 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.625 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.704 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.hdpi
04.764 I: [MERGE] Merging: split_config.armeabi_v7a
04.765 I: [MERGE] Merging:
04.878 I: [MERGE] Sanitizing manifest ...
04.881 I: [MERGE] Removed-attribute : @0x0101064e
04.882 I: [MERGE] Removed-attribute : @0x0101064f
04.883 I: [MERGE] Removed-attribute : extractNativeLibs
04.884 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
04.884 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
04.885 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
04.888 I: [MERGE] Removed-table-entry : res/xml/splits0.xml
04.888 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
04.888 I: [MERGE] Removed-element : <meta-data> name=""
04.996 I: [MERGE] Writing apk ...
05.005 I: [MERGE] Buffering compress changed files ...
31.282 I: [MERGE] Writing files: 1670
31.540 I: [MERGE] Writing signature block ...
31.648 I: [MERGE] Saved to: C:\Users\arghy\Downloads\com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone_6.38-4617_4arch_7dpi_24lang.apk
PS C:\Users\arghy>
Apktool Mobile
¹Split .apks/.apkm/.xapk installar
²Split app extractor as .apks from device
³Split .apks to .apk converter with .apk sign features known as antisplit
⁴Decode app
⁵Decompile .apk
⁶View .apk Content
⁸Compile .apk
⁹Build .apk
¹⁰Signature(.keystore) generator for .apk
¹¹share .apk by extract from device installed app
¹²app info
¹³Frameworks SDK 33 support
¹⁴.apk Icon Create
¹⁵Compress .apk as .zip
¹⁶in app update check
¹⁷Plugins: UnApkm, MPatcher, etc.
¹⁸Smaller size
¹⁹aapt2 support
²⁰Customize Split .apks/.apkm/.xapk installation
²¹ZipAlizn (arch specific lib Optimization using aapt2) using Split by architecture method
²³Remove Signature Verification
²⁴# .apk by Copy Signature from another .apk
²⁵ Quick edit: Name, Package name, Version name, Build number, Min SDK version, Target SDK version.
Min: Android 4.0+
Releted Repo: ¹AndroidIDE: An IDE to develop real, Gradle-based Android applications on Android devices.; ²ACode: powerful text/code editor for android.; ³Jvdroid: java IDE with offline compiler.; ⁴Apk to AAB Converter: Convert AAB to Apks.; ⁵SAI: Split apks installar with SU/Shizuku support (installed split app to split .apks converter).
Credit: - Apktool - Maximoff
Nova Launcher v8.0.18 (1.4.2)
Features: Unlock prime
Arch: arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a
Min: Android 8+
Nova Launcher_8.0.18
Tasker v6.3.13 (1.4.2)
Features: Unlock trial
Arch: universal
Min: Android 5+
LineXtra v14.11.0
exteraGram v11.1.3 (14102024)
PixelifyUnGoogledPhotos v6.95.0.663027175 (RV 4.13.0)
⚠️ Warning: Non-ROOT varient has GMSCore Support implement Bug in GMSCore Support
GMSCore Support
🔍App varient
ℹ️APP Info
Version: (RV 4.13.0)
Min: Android 6.0+
Arch: Universal
Install 🧩VancedMicroG for non-root Googled Photos.
🎭ROOT Method:
for Android 8.1+ stock ROM ROOT user install PixelifyGooglePhotos LSPosed Module.
for Android 6.0-8.0+ stock ROM ROOT user flash from Magisk.
📦 flash from Magisk/KernelSU/APatch/MRepo.
📦 flash from Magisk/KernelSU/APatch/MRepo.
📦 flash from Magisk/KernelSU/APatch/MRepo.
📦 flash from Magisk/KernelSU/APatch/MRepo.
Google Photos v6.95.0.663027175
*ReVanced Manager: arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a only
*revancify: universal
*rvx-builder: universal
📥Installation Guide:
📥Universal Guide:
- Download DevCheck
- Open DevCheck > System > Android Version & Architecture [Note Your Android Version & Architecture]
ex¹ if Your Device 'Architecture aarch64' then download 'arm64-v8a.apk'
ex² if Your Device 'Architecture aarch32' then download 'armebai-v7a.apk'
ex³ if Your Device 'Architecture x86_64' then download 'x86_64.apk'
ex⁴ if Your Device 'Architecture x86' then download 'x86.apk'
📲Device Specific Guide:
Arch Specific only (Optional)
- Download Obtainium
- Download
- Open Obtainium > Import/Export > Obtainium Import > Select 'ObtainiumExport.json' > Apps > install 'microG' + 'YTM' & 'Seal'/'YTDLnis'
Android 11+ only (Optional):
4.a. Download & Open Shizuku > Start via Wireless debugging > pairing > Notification options > turn on All Shizuku notifications
4.b. turn on hotspot on your friends phone > Connect your phone to your friends wifi-hotsot
4.c. open Settings > About phone > tap 7time Build number > back to your device main Settings > System > Developer options > turn on USB debugging > OK > turn on Wireless debugging > Allow > tap on Wireless debugging > Pair device with pairing code > note 1time WiFi pairing code > pull down notification > find Shizuku noti title > Enter pairing code > type your 1time WiFi pairing code > click Send button > Go back to Shizuku > Start via Wireless debugging > Start > wait 3 sec > disconnect wifi-hotspot
4.d. Open Obtainium > Settings > turn on Use Shizuku or Sui to install > Apps > install 'microG' > Allow Obtainium to access Shizuku? > Allow all the time.
*Note: after rebooting device everytime you must need repeat Guide 4.b.&4.c.
💉Include Patches:
- GmsCore(com.mgoogle) support
- Predictive back gesture
- Change package name (
- Remove share targets
- Spoof features (Spoofs the device as Google Pixel XL Android 10 QP1A to enable Google Pixel exclusive features, including unlimited storage.)
🚩Releted Repo:
Thanks to:
• microG
• TeamVanced
• ReVanced
• inotia00
• j-hc
• ImranR98
• RikkaApps
• topjohnwu
by arghya339
💌 Support
💲Donation: PayPal/@arghyadeep339
Subscribe: YouTube/@MrPalash360
Follow: Telegram WhatsApp
Join: Telegram WhatsApp