Calculate all possible words (and their score) for a given game of scramble.
The scramble board is a graph. The program works by generating all possible paths through the graph while ensuring no node is visited more than once, and that every path retains the potential to be a word.
Words are taken from the official
scrabble dictionary. On
startup they are stored in a trie
for fast (O(1)
) lookup.
To simulate the following game
Go to or run
$ python UNPG,RIAE,EAYS,TSTO -tl 8 -tw 9 -tl 10 -tl 14
After a few seconds an ordered (by score) list of all possible words will be printed:
64 64 PIRAYAS [2, 5, 4, 9, 10, 6, 11]
124 60 YAREST [10, 9, 4, 8, 13, 14]
5800 2 SO [11, 15]
Total words: 312
Sum (top 20): 985
Sum (top 50): 2103
For help on the command line
$ python --help