'alertsPriority' is an algorithm design to scan a file containing alerts from various sources, and output a configured amount of cherry-picked alerts, specified by configuration priority rule map.
An “alert” is an object with the following keys: Alert ID, Type, Subtype, Title, and FoundDate.
Some alerts are more important than others and are classified according to the rule map by priority, 1 - the highest priority and 6 - lowest.
Beside the main file, in the project you will find the following files:
'AlertProperties.py' - the mentioned priority rules map
'AlertExamples.py' - containing alert examples
'SearchPatternAlgorithm.py' - a search algorithm used to find patter within a given txt
My approach taken is as follows:
First, the algorithm first takes the alerts priority rule map and prepare a new priority rule map called 'newPriorityConfig'
The newPriorityConfig is a dictionary where: the key is: 'type_subtype'
the value is: a dictionary where
the key is: title
the value is: priority number
meaning it inserts all the titles and thier priority number, that are connected to this type and subtype as key:value pairs
After preparing the new priority rule map, the algorithm iterates over the new priority rules map, and try to find a match.
The match is done first to 'type' and 'subtype',then try to match the titles.
Since a title identifier could be a subset of an alert identifier, a Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm was used to find a match. Boyer-Moore algorithm or suffix tree was considered as well but for our purpose Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm seems to be the most efficient in terms of speed and complexity - O(n)
After a full match is done, the results: Alert Priority Level, Alert ID, and alert timestamp are set in a list.
The list size is the amount of priority levels within the priority rule map (meaning 6 in our case - but if the priority levels will increase so does the list size)
Each element of the list (meaning priority level) contains a dictionary of all the alerts that were match for this oriority level, with the key being an alert ID and the value the timestamp
The next step was to sort the timestamps, in order to collect the most recent - the highest priority - alerts. In order to do so, a ciso8601 was used to parse the timestamp (ciso8601 seems to be the fastest way to parse a timestamp). Then it converts the timestamp to unix time for fast comparison.
A reverse sort is done using a specific sorted() function, in order to have first the most recent alerts for each priority (in recent python versions the dictionary insertion order is kept)
After the sorting is done, a list containing all the matched alerts by priority level sorted by time is received.
Next the algorithm takes the first configured number of cherry-picked alerts (4 in our case) starting from the highest priority, and insert them into a list, as well as prints the results.
Complexity calculation: O(n) for Knuth–Morris–Pratt title subset search + O(n*logn) for timestamp sorting + O(mn) for iterating each alert over all priorities (worst case)
- The algorithm is written in Python language, and it is advised to use version 3.7 and up
- ciso8601 package is needed in order to parse timestamp in an efficiant way
- pip is needed to install ciso8601
$ python -m pip install quux
Installing collected packages baz, bar, foo, quux
$ python -m pip install bar
Installing collected packages foo, baz, bar
ciso8601 install
$ pip install ciso8601
---> 100%
- run the main.py main function:
$ python3 main.py
Ariel Maslaton
This project is not licensed