- Nodejs v6+
- yarnpkg (optional)
git clone
cd reactjs-crud-boilerplate
yarn install
npm install
yarn start
npm start
- ReactJs
- Redux
- create-react-app
- React Router 4
- Bootstrap 4
- redux-form
- React Boostrap Table
- Babel
- ESLint
- Test Runner: Jest
- Test Assertion: Jest
- Test Helper Library: Enzyme
- Test Headless DOM: JSDOM
- react-addons-test-utils: needed by Enzyme
- Mock API Data: hand rolled
- toastr
- jquery (needed by toastr and bootstrap 4)
- lodash
- Font Awesome: because Bootstrap 4 no longer suppies glyphicons
- Tether
- jquery
- thunk testing: nock (for mocking http calls), and redux-mock-store
- code coverage: Jest & coveralls
It's located in the branch non-create-react-app.
It uses hand crafted Webpack 2
git clone
cd reactjs-crud-boilerplate
git checkout -b non-create-react-app origin/non-create-react-app
yarn install
yarn start
This project took inspirations from :