This is a documentation of online website to plot LAS file data into a triple combo plot and formation evaluation plot.
The website is available at plotpetrophysics
- Adjustable depth, color, and curve-shading.
- Shading for shales, carbonate, and sandstone are using geological symbol
- A built in example from pre-loaded LAS file.
- Ability to calculate Rw from Salinity and Temperature.
- Ability to calculate VSH from Gamma-Ray or Density-Neutron logs.
- Ability to calculate porosity (total or effective) from Density only or Density-Neutron combination (Crossplot).
- Coal Flag with Neutron and Density Cutoffs.
- Ability to calculate water saturation (Sw) using Archie's equation.
- Pay Flag with Porosity and Sw Cutoffs.
- Ability to plot data in a form of Histogram and Scatter Plot.
- Ability to download all plots/histogram/scatterplot in a pdf format.
- Ability to export the final data (Original LAS data + Formation Evaluation data: VSH, POROSITY, SW)
- Displaying missing data(value) in LAS file as a matrix display
- Only accepting LAS file 2.0
- Adding ability to adjust the plot size, in order to facilitate longer vertical log-type pdf file.
- Adding zonation/ top formation to the plot.
- Adding integrated plot where Triple Combo and Formation Evaluation tracks is available in a single plot.
In this tutorial, we will go step by step to create a decent plot based on the preloaded file:
- Upload your LAS file or use the pre-loaded file:
- Display the well information based on the LAS file header:
- Select the curves based on well information. The triple combo plot typically consist of Gamma-Ray, Resistivity, and Density-Neutron logs:
- Adjusting the plot setting such as interval (top and bottom depth), color, scale, and shading:
- You can do Volume of Shale calculation from Gamma Ray of Density Neutron. You can select porosity from Density, or Density-Neutron Combination