The function is : to create distribution measurement Turn Around Time Statistic for the response time/Turn Around Time of Diameter, Http or other protocol that have Response time or 'Since' parameter in Tcpdump. So the user able to determine in which quartile (Q95,Q90 etc) their response time has resided.
Dependency :
- perl environment version 18 onwards (if work on lesser version it's okay but me the dev build with 18 onwards)
- tshark (please note some deprecated tshark version still use -R instead of -Y)
HOW TO USE: tshark -V -r -Y |perl
tshark -V -r Diameter.pcap -R diameter.cmd.code==272|perl
tshark -V -r HTTP_SOAP.cap -Y "xml.cdata && (ip.dst==192.168.1.A||ip.src==192.168.1.AB)"|perl
Output range : in miliseconds unit
Output example:
started at Wed Mar 5 11:40:37 2014
range 0-50 : 3523 percentage :7.39
range 101-150 : 4473 percentage :9.38
range 151-200 : 1327 percentage :2.78
range 201-250 : 1044 percentage :2.19
range 251-100000 : 21348 percentage :44.77
range 51-100 : 15974 percentage :33.50
executed stopped at Wed Mar 5 11:43:09 2014