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Dheeraj Prakash edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Installing MultiServer is very easy, just follow these simple steps:


Note: Windows defender may block the app from running because MultiServer is an "unrecognized app". You can safely click "More info" and "Run anyway". This is due to the fact that I do not own an EV code signing certificate. These certificates cost way too much money (over $150/year minimum) for me to feasibly buy them just for an open-source side project won't generate any revenue for me.

MultiServer only provides prebuilt releases for 64-bit (x64) installations of windows, if you use a 32-bit installation or Windows on ARM, read the building from source section.

Download the installer from the releases page (filename ends in .Setup.exe) from the latest release and run the installer.


Note: There may be issues with code-signing on MacOS machines. This is due to Apple charging money for a developer account to get signing keys. I am making MultiServer just for fun and a learning experience and will not pay Apple just to be able to distribute my app as it costs too much for me to feasibly spend money on something that I don't expect anything in return from.

Intel (x64) Macs

On the releases page, download the x64 DMG installer (filename ends in x64.dmg) from the latest release and run the installer.

M1 (Apple Silicon/ARM) Macs

On the releases page, download the arm64 DMG installer (filename ends in arm64.dmg) from the latest release and run the installer.


Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Mint, Pop_OS!, Raspberry Pi OS/Raspbian, etc)

Download the .deb file matching your OS architecture from the releases page from the latest release (filenames end in amd64.deb or arm64.deb. Use your GUI (or to use the terminal, see below) to install the app from the Debian installer.

Using the terminal

Once you downloaded the installer (either using the GUI or using wget/curl), you can use dpkg to install MultiServer. Be sure to use sudo as this command requires root privileges

Other Linux distributions

Download the .zip file from the releases page from the latest release that matches your OS architecture. Unzip the file, and move the resulting folder to anywhere of you choose. Add the multiserver executable within that folder to your PATH environment variable.

Building From Source

If you wish to build MultiServer from source, you will need to install all required dependencies.

1. Install Git

If you do not have git installed already, install git from your OS package manager.

  • Windows (winget install Git.Git or download from the Git for Windows website
  • Unix/Linux - use your OS package manager (brew, apt, pacman, apk, etc)

2. Installing Node.js


Go to the node.js website and install the LTS version with along with the native tools option in the installer.


Use NVM (node version manager) following these instructions. Run these commands to get the LTS version of node running:

nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts

3. Install yarn

Run corepack enable in your terminal to enable the new package manager manager built into node.

4. Clone the repo

Run git clone to clone the repo in a workspace directory. Move into that directory using cd multiserver

5. Install MultiServer dependencies

Run yarn in your terminal to install all the dependencies. This may take a while depending on your internet connection speed

6. Run the make script

Run yarn make --target=@electron-forge/maker-zip in your terminal to make the app for your OS and architecture, this might take a while. After it finishes, check the out directory that was newly created zip file (may be in a subdirectory). Extract the zip file and use use the multiserver executable inside to run the app. (You may want to symlink it somewhere or add it to your PATH)