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Ark Protocol

Ark Protocol’s mission is to build multi-chain NFT utilities that can be used by ANY collection on ANY chain at ANY time, using the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC) to enable the transfer of NFTs between different blockchains and allowing smart contracts to access utilities on other chains.

Official Links:

In case of support:

Higly recommended: Do you wonder why it is possible by transferring 2 NFTs to the same target chain, may end up into two different collections? Well, then you should read our "Building Multi-Chain NFT Utilities" blog. In the second part of this post, it explains in detail how ICS721 works:

Building Multi-Chain NFT Utilities

Quick Start

Setup ark CLI:

git clone
cd ics721-tools/cli
export ARK_ENV_DIR=$(pwd)
export ARK_CLI_DIR=$(pwd)
export HERMES_DIR=$(pwd)/..
# load ark CLI
source $ARK_CLI_DIR/
# now working e.g. on juno chain will read config file from this repo in scripts folder
ark select chain stargaze # reads juno.env file
echo $WALLET_MINTER # test correct wallet is shown as defined in env file

Create a collection

# - stargaze
ark select chain stargaze
ark create collection --label test --symbol ArkAlphaCollection --from $WALLET_MINTER --code-id $CODE_ID_CW721 | jq # 
# - juno
ark select chain juno
ark create collection --label test --symbol ArkAlphaCollection --from $WALLET_MINTER --code-id $CODE_ID_CW721 | jq # 
# - irisnet
ark select chain irisnet
ark create collection --collection testCollection001 --symbol ArkAlphaCollection --from $WALLET_MINTER | jq

Mint/issue an NFT

# - stargaze
ark select chain stargaze
ark mint nft --from $WALLET_MINTER --recipient $WALLET_MINTER --collection $TEST_COLLECTION --token ark001
# - juno
ark select chain juno
ark mint nft --from $WALLET_MINTER --recipient $WALLET_MINTER --collection $TEST_COLLECTION --token ark001
# - irisnet
ark select chain irisnet
ark mint nft --from $WALLET_MINTER --recipient $WALLET_MINTER --collection $TEST_COLLECTION --token ark001

Transfer an NFT

# - stargaze to irisnet
ark select chain stargaze
ark transfer ics721 token --from $WALLET_MINTER --recipient iaa183e7ccwsnngj2q8lfxnmekunspnfxs6qxd4v3f --target-chain irisnet --source-channel $CHANNEL_2_TO_IRISNET --collection $TEST_COLLECTION --port $ICS721_PORT --duration "+60 minutes" --relay --token ark001
# transfer output on target, irisnet is:
# "collection": "ibc/C98A9212AAF75521F8ABD9A8F0853384DE9D0C16776A0A556AFC9EC2B0EDE713",
# "class_id": "nft-transfer/channel-23/stars1nxejvz48thntgdzg9tr0xpdfmv9fq2nkn7pgl7ek2k0jsmdyzy9sksqrxy",

# - transfer above nft from irisnet back to stargaze
ark select chain irisnet
ark transfer ics721 token --from $WALLET_MINTER --recipient stars1lfzfh4ceu60er5ewl5h0py9se4qm043rz80dr6 --target-chain stargaze --source-channel $CHANNEL_2_TO_STARGAZE --collection "ibc/C98A9212AAF75521F8ABD9A8F0853384DE9D0C16776A0A556AFC9EC2B0EDE713" --port $ICS721_PORT --duration "+60 minutes" --relay --token ark001
# transfer output on target, stargaze is:
# "collection": "stars1nxejvz48thntgdzg9tr0xpdfmv9fq2nkn7pgl7ek2k0jsmdyzy9sksqrxy",
# "class_id": "stars1nxejvz48thntgdzg9tr0xpdfmv9fq2nkn7pgl7ek2k0jsmdyzy9sksqrxy",

Of course there is a lot more you can do with ark's CLI ;) - like transferring through multiple chains with one command and reverting it back. Check details below.

How-To Send NFTs to Another Chain Using ICS721

This is quick how-to for testing ICS721 on these 4 testnets: Stargaze, Juno, IRISnet and Uptick. Stargaze and Juno support CosmWasm. Both are using the ICS721 contract, while IRISnet and Uptick are using the NFT module for interchain NFT transfers.

You will be able to use CLIs for transferring an NFT from a source chain to a target chain. For ICS721 testing it requires setting up a wallet for:

  • test admin: owning ICS721 and CW721 (collection) contract
  • test creator: wallet eligible to mint on CW721 collection contract
  • test minter: wallet receiving NFTs from mint or ICS721 transfer

Relayers interact and execute transactions on each chains for sending packets. In this case a relayer also needs a keyring (wallet) for each chain.

All CLIs have the same key commands. There are certain specifics on each CLI - and will be outlined here.


Make sure you have followed this readme setup guide:

  • installing CLIs (command line interfaces) to interact with contracts on different chains
  • installing Hermes relayer to handle messages (packets) between chains

For quick testing all environment variables are defined in ics721-demo.env. Call this command for setting these variables in your shell: source ./ics721-demo.env. It contains:

  • wallets including test tokens
  • cw721 and ics721 (contracts, code ids)
  • CLI settings (chain-id, node, keys, mnemonics)


There is a bash based CLI tool. It simplifies creation of collections, minting NFTs and transferring to other IBC chains. Check out here cli/

CLI Commands for Testing

Below is a list of CLI commands you may need for testing:

  • Create and recover keys (wallets)
  • Upload and instantiate CW721 and ICS721 contracts
  • Create an IBC channel
  • Mint an NFT either on CW721 contract or NFT module
  • IBC (interchain) transfer
  • Relay channels

CLIs has a --help flag. So you can always use starsd keys --help or uptickd keys add --help for subcommands.

Build and Upload Contracts

In this section CW721 and ICS721 contracts are build from source and uploaded. The build part can be skipped by using the binaries provided here:

CW721 Contract

For chains with wasm module (like Stargaze, Juno, Osmosis and Terra), collection contract (CW721) can be build and uploaded:

Build contract:

git clone
cd cw-nfts
git checkout v0.16.0
# builds an optimized wasm contract
# optional renaming
mv CW721_base.wasm CW721_base_v0.16.0.wasm

Upload and instantiate contract:

# upload/store on chain
starsd tx wasm store ./cw721_base_v0.16.0.wasm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes # find stored contract's code_id in output

# instantiate collection based on instantiate msg:
printf -v INSTANTIATE_MSG '{"name":"ark test collection", "symbol":"ark-test-01", "minter":"%s"}' $GON_STARGAZE_WALLET_MINTER;starsd tx wasm instantiate 1635 "$INSTANTIATE_MSG" --label ark-test-01 --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $WALLET_CREATOR # address defined in $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_CW721, find instantiated contract in output

# test collection and query for number of NFTs (result count should be 0)
starsd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"num_tokens":{}}'

# same for juno
# - upload
junod tx wasm store ./cw721_base_v0.16.0.wasm --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes # code id 362
# - instantiate
printf -v INSTANTIATE_MSG '{"name":"ark test collection", "symbol":"ark-test-01", "minter":"%s"}' $GON_JUNO_WALLET_MINTER;junod tx wasm instantiate 362 "$INSTANTIATE_MSG" --label ark-test-01 --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $GON_JUNO_WALLET_CREATOR # address defined in $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721
junod query wasm contract-state smart $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"num_tokens":{}}'

# same for osmosis
# - upload
osmosisd tx wasm store ./cw721_base_v0.16.0.wasm --gas-prices 0.1uosmo --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes # code id 6072
# - instantiate
printf -v INSTANTIATE_MSG '{"name":"ark test collection", "symbol":"ark-test-01", "minter":"%s"}' $GON_OSMOSIS_WALLET_MINTER;osmosisd tx wasm instantiate 6072 "$INSTANTIATE_MSG" --label ark-test-01 --gas-prices 0.1uosmo --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $GON_OSMOSIS_WALLET_CREATOR # address defined in $GON_OSMOSIS_CONTRACT_CW721
osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_OSMOSIS_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"num_tokens":{}}'

ICS721 Contract

A binary (build based on pull request 44) from git repo is stored here in ./cw_ICS721_bridge_pr44.wasm.

Build and upload ICS721 contract from git repo manually:

git clone
cd ICS721
git checkout 3af19e421a95aec5291a0cabbe796c58698ac97f # latest PR44
cp ./artifacts/cw_ICS721_bridge.wasm cw_ICS721_bridge_pr44.wasm

Upload and instantiate contract:

# upload contract
starsd tx wasm store ./cw_ics721_bridge_pr44.wasm  --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes # code id 1636, find contract's code_id in output

# instantiate based on instantiate msg:
starsd tx wasm instantiate 1919 '{"cw721_base_code_id":1635}' --label exploited-ICS721 --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $WALLET_CREATOR # find instantiated contract in output

# test query on ICS721
starsd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_ICS721 '{"nft_contract":{"class_id":"DUMMY"}}' # data: null

# juno
# - upload
junod tx wasm store ./cw_ics721_bridge_pr44.wasm --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes # code id 363
# - instantiate
junod tx wasm instantiate 363 '{"cw721_base_code_id":362}' --label ark-test-ICS721-pr44 --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $GON_JUNO_WALLET_CREATOR
# test query on ICS721
junod query wasm contract-state smart $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_ICS721 '{"nft_contract":{"class_id":"DUMMY"}}' # data: null

# osmosis
# - upload
osmosisd tx wasm store ./cw_ics721_bridge_pr44.wasm --gas-prices 0.1uosmo --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes # code id 6077
# - instantiate
osmosisd tx wasm instantiate 6077 '{"cw721_base_code_id":6072}' --label ark-test-ICS721-pr44 --gas-prices 0.1uosmo --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $GON_OSMOSIS_WALLET_CREATOR
# test query on ICS721
osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_OSMOSIS_CONTRACT_ICS721 '{"nft_contract":{"class_id":"DUMMY"}}' # data: null

Create and Recover Keys (Wallets)


starsd keys add KEY_NAME [flags] # same commands for other CLIs like junod, uptickd and iris


# create new wallet with name test_creator
starsd keys add $WALLET_CREATOR # MNEMONIC will returned, pls backup!
# recover a wallet
uptickd keys add $WALLET_CREATOR --recover # prompts for mnemonic!
# list all keys
iris query nft collection ibc/05472E356B4178A3131291252F6031DFF465658BE4A526D499139F8691D5A31F

Upload and Instantiate Collection (CW721, NFT Module) and ICS721 Contracts


# ========================== wasm module ==========================
# upload contract (only cosmwasm)
starsd tx wasm store WASM_FILE --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from KEY_WALLET_NAME_OR_ADDRESS --yes # same command for junod
# create/instantiate collection
# - instantiate wasm contract
junod tx wasm instantiate CODE_ID 'JSON_ENCODED_INIT_MESSAGE' --label LABEL_TEXT --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from KEY_WALLET_NAME_OR_ADDRESS --yes --no-admin
# ========================== nft module ==========================
# instantiate (issue) collection (denom_id)
# DENOM_ID must match this regex: ([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9/]{2,127})
iris tx nft issue DENOM_ID --symbol DENOM_SYMBOL --description "OPTIONAL_DESCRIPTION" --uri "OPTIONAL_OFFCHAIN_CLASS_METADATA_URI" --from $WALLET_CREATOR -b sync -y --mint-restricted=false --update-restricted=false --fees 20uiris


# ========================== wasm module ==========================
# uploading CW721 contract
# - search in output for code_id! this is needed for instantiation!
starsd tx wasm store ./cw721_base_v0.16.0.wasm --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes
# upload ICS721 contract
# - search in output for code_id! this is needed for instantiation!
# - in case of 'out of gas in location' error use '--gas-prices' option:
junod tx wasm store ./cw721_base_v0.16.0.wasm --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --output json --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes

# instantiate CW721, only required for wasm module
# - search in output for CW721's contract_address! Needed for execution and query on CW721 collection contract.
printf -v INSTANTIATE_MSG '{"name":"ark test collection", "symbol":"ark-test-01", "minter":"%s"}' $GON_STARGAZE_WALLET_MINTER;starsd tx wasm instantiate $GON_STARGAZE_CODE_ID_CW721 "$INSTANTIATE_MSG" --label ark-test-01 --gas-prices 0.1ustars --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $WALLET_CREATOR

printf -v INSTANTIATE_MSG '{"name":"ark test collection", "symbol":"ark-test-01", "minter":"%s"}' $GON_JUNO_WALLET_MINTER;junod tx wasm instantiate $GON_JUNO_CODE_ID_CW721 "$INSTANTIATE_MSG" --label ark-test-01 --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $GON_JUNO_WALLET_CREATOR

# instantiate ICS721 contract
junod tx wasm instantiate $GON_JUNO_CODE_ID_ICS721 '{"CW721_base_code_id":$GON_JUNO_CODE_ID_CW721}' --label ark-test-ICS721-pr44 --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --from $WALLET_CREATOR --yes --admin $GON_JUNO_WALLET_CREATOR

# query collection info
# - wasm module
# -- list all collection addresses for given code id
starsd query wasm list-contract-by-code $GON_STARGAZE_CODE_ID_CW721
# -- metadata like admin, creator, label for given contract
starsd query wasm contract $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_CW721
# -- contract info like name and symbol
starsd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"contract_info": {}}'

# ========================== nft module ==========================
# - instantiate/issue collection
iris tx nft issue ark/MyAwesomeCollection --symbol ark-awesome --description "you BETTER check this out" --uri "" --from $WALLET_CREATOR -b sync -y --mint-restricted=false --update-restricted=false --fees 20uiris
# - query all collections
iris query nft denoms
# - specific query
iris query nft denom ark/MyAwesomeCollection

Create an IBC Channel


# ========================== Hermes relayer ==========================
hermes --config config.toml create channel --a-chain A_CHAIN_ID --b-chain B_CHAIN_ID --a-port A_CHAIN_IBC_PORT_ID --b-port B_CHAIN_IBC_PORT_ID --new-client-connection --channel-version VERSION --yes


# ========================== hermes relayer ==========================
# create channel between 2 ICS721 contracts
# port id is: wasm.ICS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, VERSION is defined in ICS721 contract
# - create channel with NEW connection
hermes --config config.toml create channel --a-chain elgafar-1 --b-chain gon-irishub-1 --a-port wasm.stars1sdjf7k7d0lgm0fns0stlzsudncac3rhwawavpmv6z445932hyp4qretw9y --b-port nft-transfer --new-client-connection --channel-version $ICS721_VERSION --yes
# - create channel with existing connection, NOTE: connection is between 2 defined chains, it can be used for creating channels to other chains
hermes --config config.toml create channel --a-chain $GON_STARGAZE_CHAIN_ID --a-port $GON_STARGAZE_ICS721_PORT --b-port $GON_OSMOSIS_ICS721_PORT --a-connection connection-112 --channel-version $ICS721_VERSION --yes

# - query using CLI, search using port id for finding channel and counter part channel
starsd query ibc channel channels --limit 100 # also use --page for pagination
# - query using hermes
hermes --config config.toml query channels --chain $GON_JUNO_CHAIN_ID

# ========================== nft module ==========================
# - create channel between nft module and ICS721
hermes --config config.toml create channel --a-chain $GON_JUNO_CHAIN_ID --b-chain $IRIS_CHAIN_ID --a-port $GON_JUNO_ICS721_PORT --b-port $IRIS_ICS721_PORT --new-client-connection --channel-version $ICS721_VERSION --yes

Mint an NFT


# ========================== wasm module ==========================
starsd tx wasm execute CW721_CONTRACT '{"mint": {"token_id":"TOKEN_ID", "owner":"MINTTER_WALLET_ADDRESS", "token_uri":"OPTIONAL_TOKEN_URI"}}' --from test_minter --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --yes --output json # same commands for other CLIs like junod
# ========================== nft module ==========================
# - mint
iris tx nft mint DENOM_ID NFT_ID --uri=OFFCHAIN_METADATA_URI --recipient=NFT_WALLET_OR_KEY_NAME --from=SIGNER_WALLET_OR_KEY_NAME -y --fees 20uiris


# ========================== wasm module ==========================
# mint
# - starsd, in case NFT has already been minted an 'token_id already claimed' error is, in this case check below and query for number of tokens
starsd tx wasm execute $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"mint": {"token_id":"20", "owner":"$GON_STARGAZE_WALLET_MINTER"}}' --from test_minter --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --yes --output json

# - junod with --gas-prices option
junod tx wasm execute $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721  '{"mint": {"token_id": "1", "owner": "$GON_JUNO_WALLET_MINTER", "token_uri": ""}}' --from test_minter --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --yes --output json

# query
# - number of tokens
starsd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"num_tokens":{}}'
# - token info and owner
junod query wasm contract-state smart $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"all_nft_info":{"token_id": "1"}}'
# ========================== nft module ==========================
iris tx nft mint ark ark1 --recipient $GON_IRISNET_WALLET_MINTER --from $WALLET_CREATOR -y --fees 20uiris
# - query all nfts
iris query nft collection ark
# - query specific nft
iris query nft token ark ark1

IBC (Interchain) Transfer


# ========================== wasm module ==========================
starsd tx wasm execute CW721_COLLECTION_ADDR '{"send_nft": { "contract": "ICS721_CONTRACT", "token_id": "TOKEN_ID", "msg": "BASE64_ENCODED_JSON_MSG_FOR_ICS721"}}' --from test_minter --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --yes
# ========================== nft module ==========================
iris tx nft-transfer transfer nft-transfer SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID TARGET_RECIPIENT DENOM_ID NFT_ID --from SIGNER_WALLET_OR_KEY_NAME -b sync --fees 50uiris -y


// for timeout use highest block height for example
{ "receiver": "RECEIVER_WALLET_ADDRESS_ON_TARGET_CHAIN", "channel_id": "SOURCE_ICS721_CHANNEL", "timeout": { "block": { "revision": 1, "height": 3999999 } } }


# ========================== wasm module ==========================
# - send nft with token-id 1 from juno to stargaze via channel-508
junod tx wasm execute $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"send_nft": { "contract": "$GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_ICS721", "token_id": "1", "msg": "eyAicmVjZWl2ZXIiOiAic3RhcnMxZjB6Zm1haGQ5YzQzbm1wbGp4M2hlbDZoNWQ5dmw3Z3ozc3F2aHEiLCAiY2hhbm5lbF9pZCI6ICJjaGFubmVsLTUwOCIsICJ0aW1lb3V0IjogeyAiYmxvY2siOiB7ICJyZXZpc2lvbiI6IDEsICJoZWlnaHQiOiAzOTk5OTk5IH0gfSB9Cg=="}}' --from test_minter --gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b sync --yes
# - query and check NFT is locked/owned by ICS721 contract
junod query wasm contract-state smart $GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721 '{"all_nft_info":{"token_id": "1"}}'
# - relay
hermes --config config.toml clear packets --chain $GON_JUNO_CHAIN_ID --channel channel-508 --port $GON_JUNO_ICS721_PORT
# - query for CW721 contract on target ICS721
starsd query wasm contract-state smart $GON_STARGAZE_CONTRACT_ICS721 '{"nft_contract": {"class_id" : "$GON_STARGAZE_ICS721_PORT/channel-130/$GON_JUNO_CONTRACT_CW721"}}'
# - query on cw271 whether it has been transferred on target chain
starsd query wasm contract-state smart STARGAZE_COLLECTION_ADDRESS '{"all_nft_info":{"token_id": "1"}}'

# ========================== nft module ==========================
# - transfer to nft module
iris tx nft-transfer transfer nft-transfer channel-13 $GON_JUNO_WALLET_MINTER ark ark1 --from test_minter -b sync --fees 50uiris -y
# - relay
hermes --config config.toml clear packets --chain $GON_IRISNET_CHAIN_ID --channel channel-13 --port $GON_JUNO_ICS721_PORT

hermes --config config.toml clear packets --chain $GON_JUNO_CHAIN_ID --channel channel-509 --port $GON_IRISNET_ICS721_PORT



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Contributors 4

