The integrated PHPMailer API currently only supports mails sent from a GMail account. Sender will have to enter their GMail login details if they wish to send invitation via e-mail (Login details will not be stored). In order to send invitation by mail:
- Login to the your Google account on the same browser.
- Send a dummy private invitation to yourself.
- Enable less secure app access in this link:
- In case you get a Critical Security Alert mail, verify it.
- Now you can send invitations through Email!
- Copy all files into C:\Apache\htdocs folder;
- Open password.php in processes folder with Notepad. Type your MySQL username and password inside the apprpriate " " and save the file.
- In MySQL create a new database, inviteapp.
- Select the database and create tables userdata,invites and responses.
USE inviteapp
CREATE TABLE userdata(
username varchar(25) PRIMARY KEY,
email varchar(50),
p_word varchar(25)
invite_id int(6),
from_user varchar(25),
event_date date,
event_time time(0),
header varchar(50),
body varchar(300),
footer varchar(100),
deadline time
CREATE TABLE responses(
id int(6),
invite_id int(6),
to_user varchar(25),
seen int(6),
accept int(6),
plusones int(6),
food_pref varchar(10),
requests varchar(200)
5.In php/php.ini configuration file, enable the following extensions (remove preceding ;).
6.Start the server and open localhost on your browser.