The really simple snippet manager.
Snippets are loaded per-filetype from g:lazy_snippets
let g:lazy_snippets = #{
\ go: #{
\ err: "if err != nil {\n\treturn fmt.Errorf(\"\b: %w\", err)\n}",
\ },
\ }
The cursor will be set to \b
(that is, the BS character, 0x08). You can use
inside ".."
strings, but in '..'
strings or external files you'll have
to use a literal character; use <C-v><C-h>
to insert one. You can use
to load snippets from a file:
let g:lazy_snippets['go']['tt'] = readfile($HOME .. '/.vim/snip/tt.go')
Now press <C-s>
in normal or insert mode to find a snippet based on the
. If you want a different mapping:
nmap <C-t> <Plug>(lazy-insert-cword)
imap <C-t> <Plug>(lazy-insert-cword)
A popup will be shown if nothing matches. You can also use the :Lazy
to list snippets for the current filetype.
Note: many terminals eat <C-s>
and will stop the terminal output (<C-q>
resume); you probably want to disable this in your shell config (setopt noflowcontrol
in zsh; or stty -ixon quit undef
Note 2: you need a fairly new Vim for this plugin to work, as I'm too lazy to make it more compatible 😅