CLI helper for streaming Emotiv EEG data to pubnub or rabbitmq
- Install hidapi
- Install pyhidapi
sudo apt install virtualenv
- Create and source the venv, and install the prereqs
git clone
cd streamteam2
virtualenv -p python3 .stream
source .stream/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Rabbitmq configs must be passed into the application by specifying a yaml file with rabbit creds defined.
username: jujuclient
password: 'somelongpassword'
host: 'rabbit-host'
port: 'rabbit-port'
vhost: 'rabbit-vhost'
queue: 'rabbit-queue'
exchange: 'rabbit-exchange'
- Use the same config file to publish or subscribe
# to publish from an emotiv eeg
./ --publish configs rabbit.yaml
# to subscribe to the rabbit queue
./ --subscrribe configs rabbit.yaml
- James Beedy (c) 2016