Runtime link:
BETTA assistance for new teachers and students!
The overall idea of our website is to assist all DNHS individuals in their educational experiences in both learning and teaching through effective organization and productivity. We have two modes, for students and teachers, allowing them to document each day through the usage of calendars, planners, quick feedback, etc.
This is helpful to new teachers who might want to reference things about our school quickly or who might want to take attendance quickly. It gives students and opportunity to plan well and lets them know what they have to do each day, as well as allowing them to quickly communicate with peers and teachers.
Name | Github Username | Github Profile | Issue | Journals | Commits |
Saumya | saumyapalk23 | @saumyapalk23 | Issues | Journal | Commits |
Prisha | PrishaB | @PrishaB | Issues | Journal | Commits |
Vidhi | VidhiKulkarni | @VidhiKulkarni | Issues | Journal | Commits |
Arushi | arushi10 | @arushi10 | Issues | Journal | Commits |
Aryan | Aryanboxout | @Aryanboxout | Issues | Journal | Commits |
Crossover Team collaboration Link to Review Ticket
Attendance Page with database, Github Page, Calendar, CSS/Bootstrap, search bar, blueprint, deployment, Fetch
Dark Mode, Formatted base.html, Contact Us, DNHS Information, Github Page, Challenge, Deployment, Bell Schedule
To-Do List, Study Hall Timer, Study and Health Habits, Deployment, Databases
Scrum Master and Technical Officer
Design Manager Tangibles
- Front End Feature Screen Runtime link: source link, runtime link
- Front End Screen 2
- Front End Screen 3
Scrum Master Tangibles
- GitHub Scrum Board: tickets in review link, in progress link
- Scrum Board
Technical Officer Tangibles
Deployment Manager Tangibles
GitHub Admin Tangibles
Name | Pull Requests | Commits | Issues |
Saumya | Pull Requests | Commits | Issues |
Prisha | Pull Requests | Commits | Issues |
Vidhi | Pull Requests | Commits | Issues |
Arushi | Pull Requests | Commits | Issues |
Aryan | Pull Requests | Commits | Issues |
Home Pages, Deployment, and Create Task Plans
Name | Journal | Score |
Saumya | Journal | full |
Prisha | Journal | full |
Vidhi | Journal | full |
Arushi | Journal | full |
Aryan | Journal | full |
Project approval
Name | Journal | Score |
Saumya | Journal | full |
Prisha | Journal | full |
Vidhi | Journal | full |
Arushi | Journal | full |
Aryan | Journal | full |
Ideation, planning
Name | Journal | Score |
Saumya | Journal | full |
Prisha | Journal | full |
Vidhi | Journal | full |
Arushi | Journal | full |
Aryan | Journal | full |