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Notepad in Python

Take Notes and Save the as .txt file using Python and PyQt5 Framework.


Demo of Notepad


The purpose of this project is to create a simple note-taking application using Python and the PyQt5 framework. The application will allow users to write and save notes as .txt files. This project demonstrates basic GUI programming in PyQt5 and file handling in Python, offering a practical example of how to build a desktop application with these technologies.


  1. Python: Ensure you have Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system.
  2. PyQt5: The PyQt5 framework will be used for creating the graphical user interface.
  3. Git: To clone the repository and manage code versions.

Get the Code

Follow these steps to set up the environment and run the Tetris game:

Step 1: Create a Virtual Environment

A virtual environment allows you to manage dependencies separately for each project, avoiding conflicts with other projects.

  1. Navigate to Your Development Directory:
cd ~/Dev
  1. Create a New Directory for the Notepad Project:
mkdir ~/Dev/notepad -p
  1. Navigate into the Tetris Directory:
cd ~/Dev/notepad
  1. Install virtualenv if it is not already installed:
python3.10 -m pip install virtualenv
  1. Create a Virtual Environment in the Current Directory:
python3.10 -m virtualenv .
  1. Activate the Virtual Environment:
source bin/activate

Step 2: Install the Dependencies

You can install the required dependencies using either pip or poetry.

Using pip

  1. Clone the Notepad Repository:
git clone .
  1. Install the Dependencies Listed in requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Using poetry

  1. Clone the Notepad Repository:
git clone .
  1. Install the Dependencies Using Poetry:
poetry install

Step 3: Run the Main File

Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the Notepad app by executing the main Python script:


Follow these instructions to successfully set up and run the Notepad app. Enjoy using it!

For any issues, please raise an issue on GitHub or contribute by creating a pull request.


By following these instructions, you will have set up a note-taking application using Python and PyQt5. This application provides a basic yet functional interface for creating and saving notes. You can extend this project further by adding features like note organization, search functionality, or more advanced file handling.