The idea with this app was to create a platform for your average person to connect with logistic carrier, whether it be a trucker or just an average person with a car who wishes to earn money by transporting stuff from one place to another, without the need of a middle-man or a company to handle the interaction.
This app was created for a Project Exhibition held in 2019-2020.
The general workflow of the app is here.
The goal with this app was to provide the following functionality to the user -
- User Accounts, so that users can be authenticated and verified, including profiles for the said users so that they can provide more details about themselves
- User Authentication.
- Modify their Profile.
- Allow Users to post jobs and search for them.
- View their Job History.
To build this project, please make sure that you have flutter installed and once you're ready,
- navigate to the Project root directory and,
- run
flutter run
command in your terminal.
Allows the user to login as a Driver or as a Client. The user can login via e-mail (and password) or directly via Google #.
All of the login mechanism is being handled by Firebase Authenitcation system.
Once logged in as a driver, the user can -
- View route of the current job
- Search for Nearby Jobs
- View their job history
- View / edit their profile
Once logged in as a client, the user can -
- View the progress of the delivery
- Post a new job for drivers to take
- View their job history
- View / edit their profile
Whilst working on this project, I came across some amazing things (in Flutter) and some of them are -
- StreamProvider.
- Firebase.
- Cloud Firestore.
- Firebase Authentiication
- State Management.
- Future (FutureBuilder, Future Functions).
- Async/Await.
- Dart DevTools.
- Custom Widgets (Modifying already existing material widgets).
- 3rd Party Dependencies.
As I continue to work on this project, I will keep learning new things.