Tezos Baking Exporter is a metrics exporter for Prometheus. It exports metrics about a given baker. It collectes metrics from a given node using the RPC API.
NB! - Work In Progress!
This is by on means complete or on par with tzscan or kiln or similar. I'm fairly sure I parse some of the metrics incorrectly (particularly the endorsement rights). If you have any insight into how this should be done, please submit a PR or an issue. Thanks 👍
docker run --rm -p 9090:9090 asbjornenge/tezos-baking-exporter:latest ---host --interval 10000 --node-host <node-ip> --baker <tz1...> --label network=zeronet
Now scrape that with Prometheus and load up Grafana with dashboards/grafana-tezos-baker.json
Options can either be passed as cli parameters or be set as ENV variables.
cli env default wat
-- -- -- --
--host HOST localhost What host to expose metrics API
--port PORT 9090 What port to expose metrics API
--node-proto NODE_PROTO http What protocol to query node
--node-host NODE_HOST localhost What host to query node
--node-port NODE_PORT 8732 What port to query node
--interval QUERY_INTERVAL 30000 Collection interval
--chain CHAIN main Chain to query (useful for testing periods)
--baker BAKER - tz1... (baker address - required)
--label - - Add metric labels (ex. --label network=zeronet)