CakePHP Like Plugin
Download the plugin
git submodule add git:// app/Plugin/Like
Create the like table using
cake Like.install
Attach the Likeable behavior to the model
public Post extends AppModel{
$actsAs = array('Like.Likeable');
In your controller, you can use functions :
$this->Post->like($post_id, $this->Auth->user('id'));
$this->Post->dislike($post_id, $this->Auth->user('id'));
if($this->Post->isLikedBy($post_id, $this->Auth->user('id'))){...}
$this->Post->find('most_liked', array('limit'=>5));
Or use the Like controller and Like helper
public PostController extends AppController{
public $helpers = array('Like.Like');
In your view:
$this->Like->like('post', $post_id);
$this->Like->dislike('post', $post_id);