Inspired by youngker/eopengrok.el
Plugin 'asenac/vim-opengrok'
Java 1.7
Exuberant ctags
Note: vim-opengrok uses opengrok's command line tools but it does not require to have opengrok's web application deployed.
Add the following lines to your vimrc using the appropriate routes:
let g:opengrok_jar = '/path/to/opengrok/lib/opengrok.jar'
let g:opengrok_ctags = '/path/to/ctags'
vim-opengrok can use either a per-project index, created in a directory called .opengrok within the root directory of the project by using :OgIndex command, or an external index by defining g:opengrok_config_file variable pointing to the configuration.xml file. For example, for using the same index for both opengrok's web application and vim-opengrok, you might want to add the following to your vimrc file:
let g:opengrok_config_file = '/var/opengrok/etc/configuration.xml'
Note: vim-opengrok will fallback on g:opengrok_config_file variable if no index directory is found in the directory tree of the current working directory.
:OgIndex /path/to/index
Creates an index for the directory specified.
Updates the index that contains the current directory.
:OgSearch [f|d|r|p]
Searches in the index and displays the results in Vim's location list. A prompt is displayed to introduce the text to search. Supported queries:
d - Symbol Definitions
r - Symbol References
p - Path
f - Full text
Searches word under the cursor and displays the results in Vim's location list.
Interactive queries displaying the results in a special buffer (see screenhost above).
Currently vim-opengrok displays only the first chunk of results returned by opengrok.