This Repository Contains all The Important Stuff For To start With Object Oriented Programming with C++.
I have Implemented all the Important Topic Which you can refer before going To the Interview .
The Topic Which you should Cover To start With The Object Oriented Programming
1.Characteristics of Object Oriented Programming 2.Application OF OOP 3.Features OF Object Oriented Programming 4.Classes and Objects 5. Difference Between Structure and class 6.Nested Class in c++ 7. Function Overriding 8.Static Data Members in c++ 9.c++ Override keyword 10.Access specifiers 11.Friend class and Fuctions 12.Local class 13. Parameterized constructors 14.Get to know Abstract class in c++ 15.Function Overloading and Function Overriding 16.Operator Overloading 17.Introduction to virtual Functions 18.Diamond Problem 19.Deep copy(The other copy would be created) and shallow copy(copy through location) ***************** OOP Pillars ******************************************* Four Pillars of Object Oriented Programming 1.Abstraction 2.Encapsulation 3.Polymorphism 3.1 Runtime PolyMorphism 3.2 Compile Time PolyMorphism 4.Inheritance 4.1 Single Inheritance 4.2 Multiple Inheritance 4.3 Hierarchical Inheritance 4.4 Hybrid Inheritance 4.5 Multilevel Inheritance 4.6 Polymorphism in c++ -- Function Overloading in c++ 1. Function That can't be Overloaded 2. Function overload and Const Keyword 3. Function Overloading and Return Type 4. Overloading with Inheritance --Virtual Function - key points -Multiple inheritance is supported in c++ not supported in java - due to multiple inheritance the concept of ambguity arised which can be solved using scope ressolution operator while in java the concept of interfaces arised. - in c++ for the run time polymorphism the virtual method wold be used while in java the concept of abstract class and abstarct method would be used. - The friend function is only supported in c++ Not supported in java - In java the access modifiers are public, private , protected , package private In c++ the access modifiers are public ,private , protected . - Java employes automatic collection where JVM (java Virtual Machine) that automatically manages the memory, objects that are no longer in use. C++ offers the smart manual memory management using the pointer. - we can not create a object of a abstarct class in java.