Playbook ansible to setup Docker and Swarm into multiple machines.
You should have ansible installed to your machine.
Actually, the playbook works with theses linux distributions:
- Ubuntu
- Debian
Other distributions will be implemented later.
You have to edit some files to run the playbook. The following description explain what changes have to be done.
Edit the group_vars/all.yml:
- ansible_ssh_private_key_file: set you private key
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/home/aimen/.ssh/aimen_ec2.pem"
Edit the hosts file:
- manager1: add the ansible_host and user
- worker1: add the ansible_host and user
You must have only one manager, other managers could be declared to the managers group.
You can declare any number of workers you want.
manager1 ansible_host="" ansible_user="ubuntu"
worker1 ansible_host="" ansible_user="ubuntu"
worker2 ansible_host="" ansible_user="ubuntu"
If you want to run this playbook to AWS, you should have those opened ports :
- TCP 22
- TCP 2376
- TCP 2377
- UDP 4789
- TCP and UDP 7946
You can refer to the introduction of Digital Ocean article.
To run the playbook, you can follow this command:
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i hosts docker_setup.yml