Installation | Syntax | Examples | Feedback | Change log
(14 Jan 2025)
A package for polar bar graphs in Stata. Note that both circlebar
and polarbar
are substituable commands.
The package can be installed via SSC or GitHub. The GitHub version, might be more recent due to bug fixes, feature updates etc, and may contain syntax improvements and changes in default values. See version numbers below. Eventually the GitHub version is published on SSC.
SSC (v1.6):
ssc install circlebar, replace
GitHub (v1.7):
net install circlebar, from("") replace
The palettes
package is required to run this command:
ssc install palettes, replace
ssc install colrspace, replace
Even if you have these packages installed, please check for updates: ado update, update
If you want to make a clean figure, then it is advisable to load a clean scheme. These are several available and I personally use the following:
ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau
I also prefer narrow fonts in figures with long labels. You can change this as follows:
graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"
The syntax for the latest version is as follows:
circlebar var [if] [in] [weight], by(var1) [ stack(var2) ]
[ radmin(num) radmax(num) circles(num) gap(num) alpha(num) palette(str) colorvariable(var)
half sort showtotal labnear labvariable(var) nolabels rotatelabel stat(mean|sum)
nocircles circtop range(num) nocirclabels circlabformat(str) circlabsize(str) circlabcolor(str)
labcolor(str) rotate(num) lcolor(str) lwidth(str) circcolor(str) circwidth(str)
labgap(num) labsize(str) cfill(str) clcolor(str) clwidth(str) points(num) showvalues
nolegend legsize(str) legposition(str) rows(num) scatter(variable [, options])
rline(numlist) rlinecolor(str) rlinewidth(str) rlinepattern(str) * ]
See the help file help circlebar
for details.
The most basic use is as follows:
circlebar variable, by(var1) [stack(var2)]
where var1
and var2
are the string source and destination variables respectively against which the numerical variable
is plotted. Please note that circlebar
stacks the height. Areas should not be used for interpretting the results. This might be implemented in the future.
Get the example data from GitHub:
use "", clear
Let's test the circlebar
circlebar deathspm, by(month)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) nocirclab
circlebar deathspm, by(month) radmin(0)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) gap(0.5)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) gap(0.5) alpha(80) circles(6) circlabf(%6.0fc)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) gap(0.5) circles(6) circtop
circlebar deathspm, by(month) gap(0.5) circles(4) ra(18000) nocirclab
circlebar deathspm, by(month) gap(0.5) palette(CET C6) nocirclab
circlebar deathspm, by(month) gap(2) palette(CET C6) rotatelab
circlebar deathspm, by(month) palette(CET C6) rotatelab showtotal format(%8.0fc) labgap(15)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) palette(CET C6) rotatelab showtotal format(%8.0fc) labgap(15) sort
circlebar deathspm, by(month) palette(CET C6) rotatelab showtotal format(%8.0fc) labgap(15) sort labnear
circlebar deathspm, by(month) palette(CET C6) rotatelab showtotal format(%8.0fc) labgap(15) sort labnear ///
range(20000) circles(5) circlabformat(%9.0fc)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) palette(CET C6) rotatelab showtotal format(%8.0fc) labgap(15) sort labnear ///
range(20000) circles(5) circlabformat(%9.0fc) circlabc(black) circc(gs14) rline(4000)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) stack(continent) gap(2) palette(CET C6) rotatelab
circlebar deathspm, by(month) stack(continent) gap(1.5) radmin(5) palette(CET C6, n(6)) rotatelab lc(black) circc(gs13) ra(20000) ///
text(0 0 "Global COVID-19" "{bf:deaths per million}" "in 2021" "(by continent)", size(2.5)) note("Source: Our World in Data", size(2))
circlebar deathspm, by(month) stack(continent) palette(tab Color Blind, n(6)) gap(0.5) radmin(4) radmax(10) ra(18000) ///
text(0 0 "Global COVID-19" "{bf:deaths per million}" "in 2021" "(by continent)", size(2.5)) ///
note("Source: Our World in Data", size(2)) circ(5) circc(gs13) labgap(8) rotatelab labs(2.4) circlabf(%6.0fc)
circlebar deathspm, by(month) cfill(white) lc(black) clc(black) lw(0.1) clw(0.1) // name(m1, replace)
This updates fully fixes the issue with previous version where very few categories were resulting in distorted outputs.
use "", clear
drop year
keep NUTS_ID y_TOT
drop if y_TOT==0
keep if length(NUTS_ID)==5
gen NUTS2 = substr(NUTS_ID, 1, 4)
gen NUTS1 = substr(NUTS_ID, 1, 3)
gen NUTS0 = substr(NUTS_ID, 1, 2)
circlebar y_TOT if NUTS0=="IT", by(NUTS1) alpha(80)
circlebar y_TOT if NUTS0=="AT", by(NUTS1) alpha(80)
Another major feature request was to allow plotting stacks that are unique to each by()
category. This has now been added:
circlebar y_TOT if NUTS0=="AT", by(NUTS1) stack(NUTS2)
circlebar y_TOT if NUTS0=="IT", radmin(0) gap(0) by(NUTS1) stack(NUTS2)
The command now produces semi circle bar graphs. Note that the aspect()
option might be needed to adjust the dimensions. Default for half
is aspect(0.5)
circlebar y_TOT if NUTS0=="IT", by(NUTS1) stack(NUTS2) half aspect(0.35)
circlebar y_TOT if NUTS0=="DE", by(NUTS1) sort
Please open an issue to report errors, feature enhancements, and/or other requests.
v1.7 (14 Jan 2025)
- Users can now pass on markers by using the option
scatter(variable, options)
. - Fixes to legend showing wrong entries under certain conditions.
changed back tolegcolumns()
to make it consistent with other packages.- Several bug fixes and changes to defaults.
v1.6 (05 Oct 2024)
- Weights are now allowed.
- Added
. - Added
where optionsstat(mean)
(default) andstat(sum)
can be defined. - Added option
to show labels right above bars. - Added option
to allow users to custom define a label. - Added option
to allow users to define a custom color variable. - Added options
, andrlinewidth()
where users can define a custom reference line. Similar toxline()
in standard twoway graphs. - Several defaults updated.
- Lots of code fixes.
v1.5 (28 Apr 2024)
- Added
option. - Added
option. - Better passthru options.
- Several bug fixes and redundant code taken out.
v1.4 (03 Feb 2024)
- Better legend options.
- Restructuring of base code for later updates.
- Code cleanup.
v1.31 (02 Feb 2024) HOTFIX!
- Fixed the label bug which was off by one slice.
- Minor cleanups.
v1.3 (22 Jan 2024)
- Complete rework of the base engine for drawing arcs. The program is now very stable and faster.
- Several new options added to control the circle fill including assigning border colors and line widths.
- Clean up of redundant code.
v1.21 (25 Sep 2023)
- Fixed a bug where
was resulting in wrong legend keys (reported by sktanamas). - Added
v1.2 (23 Mar 2023)
- Fixed a major bug where the legend names were reversed (reported by Christina Lin).
- Other minor code improvements.
v1.1 (26 Feb 2023)
- Start slice defaults to the 12 o' clock position.
- Option
added to rotate the graph. Plus values are clockwise rotation. - Option
added. - Option
added to change the color of the fill circle. This is useful if other backgrounds are used.
v1.01 (06 Dec 2022)
- Fixed several minor bugs, e.g. value labels of
variable were not passing correctly (reported by Asal Pilehvari).
v1.0 (20 Nov 2022)
- Public release. Currently in beta.