Aspose.Tasks for Cloud offers the ability to manipulate and convert Microsoft Project MPT, MPP, MPX & Oracle Primavera XER, XML, and PrimaveraP6XML files in Go. Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Go wraps the REST API to make it easier for the developers to integrate MS Project Task Management features in their own cloud-based Go applications on Linux, MacOS, Windows or Android.
Feel free to explore the Developer's Guide & API Reference to know all about Aspose.Tasks Cloud API.
- Add project assignments or delete project assignments along with their references.
- Get the project's outline codes by index & get links to all project tasks.
- Import projects from Primavera DB formats or from databases with the specified connection string.
- Get UIDs of all projects contained in the file & fetch the required assignment with the project based on UID.
- Manage project tasks, resource data, calendars & Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
- Perform risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation and create a report.
- Create and set project document properties & fetch all or specific existing properties.
- Get a project's extended attributes, time-scaled data, or recurring info of a specific task.
- Reschedule project tasks, dates, and other settings.
- Calculate slacks & recalculate project completion or incompletion work.
- Fetch a project document in the desired format.
- Delete project task with its related references & rebuild the task tree.
- Convert project documents to other formats.
- Manipulate task data.
- Manage project's resources.
- Handle task links & task assignments.
- Work with project's extended attributes.
- Read Microsoft Project’s document properties such as start and finish date, tasks scheduling types and so on.
- Read Microsoft Project’s Calendars and Calendar Exceptions information.
Microsoft Project MPP, XML, MPT Primavera MPX
- Enhanced reading data from Primavera-specific task's properties.
- Added new ability to get views information
- Possibility to modify table text styles for Gantt Chart views.
- Added new ability to read Primavera-specific task's properties.
- Provided the ability to read more document properties.
- Support for the batch creation of tasks (i.e. the ability to create multiple tasks in a single API call).
- Ability to specify the non-default path for Project Server's PWA URL.
- Ability to modify timephasedData collection in assignments.
- Possibility to render comments when saving as image, HTML or PDF.
- Option to use username and password to connect Project Online (Server) instead of auth token, incase you don't have it.
- Ability to add assignments to your project file along with specifying its cost.
- Quickly adding new tasks to project, when calculation mode is set to automatic.
- Ability to add project in Microsoft Project Server.
- Added support of reading shared resource assignments.
Firstly, create an account at Aspose for Cloud to get your application information and free quota to use the API.
From Visual Stuio Code:
Add "" and "" in the import section of your code
From the command line:
go get -v
The complete source code is available at GitHub Repository.
The examples below show how your application have to initiate and convert your ms project file to PDF using Go Aspose.Tasks-Cloud library:
// Get your ClientId and ClientSecret from (free registration required).
// myconfig.json
"AppSid": "MY_CLIENT_ID",
"BaseUrl": ""
config, _ := models.NewConfiguration("myconfig.json")
tasksApi, ctx, _ := api.CreateTasksApi(config)
// upload file to a cloud
file, _ := os.Open("sample.mpp")
tasksApi.UploadFile(ctx, &requests.UploadFileOpts{
File: file,
Path: "uploaded_sample.mpp",
// convert your ms project file to PDF
options := &requests.GetReportPdfOpts{
Type_: string(models.MILESTONES_ReportType),
Name: "uploaded_sample.mpp"
file, response, err := tasksApi.GetReportPdf(ctx, options)
if err != nil {
//error handling
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