Releases: assisi/playground
Releases · assisi/playground
Compatibility updates
Reordered temperature sensors
- reordered temperature sensors to mathematically positive ordering
- added (fake) TEMP_RING and TEMP_WAX measurements
- removed fake 7th IR sensor reading
This release corresponds to v0.15.0 releases of the Python API and Arena UI.
Heat state loading/saving enhancements by Pedro
Merged Pedro's enhancement to load/save heat state.
Bumped minor version to match latest assisipy version.
Actuator setpoint publishing + reduced publishing rate
- simulated CASUs now publish all actuator setpoints
- throttled CASU message publishing rate; CASUs now publish all data with a sample time of 0.3s (currently hardcoded)
ESM paper
This is the version of the simulator described in the paper:
Mariano, P., Mills R., Correia, L., Miklic, D., Bogdan S., Assisi Playground: A simulation tool for collective bio-hybrid system research, accepted at the 29th European simulation an modelling conference ESM 2015.