Currently work in progress.
- CMOS z80 CPU
- AS6c62256 32k*8bits CMOS low power SRAM
- CMOS 4011 quad NAND logic gate
- CMOS 4071 quad OR logic gate
- CMOS 40106 hex trigger
- 1x tactile switch
- 3x poalized electrolytic 0.01uF capacitor
- 2x ceramic (unpolarized) 22pF capactitor
- Crystal (freq. TBD)
- 1x 10k resistror
- 1x 1M resistor
memory address | Usage |
0x0000 - 0x1FFF |
0x2000 - 0x3FFF |
0x8000 - 0xFFFF |
system reset/init- memroy monitor
System has been designed to be interfaced with a French Minitel 1B made by MATRA communication terminal.
Serial output is slow (by design). Serial interface configuration :
- 4800 baud
- 7bit DATA
- 1bit STOP
- Even parity
- No flow control
To be able to use, you need to setup the minitel in the right comunication mode. Do in order
Activate "Péri-Informatique" modeFonction
Deactivate local character echoFonction
Set baudrate to 4800
Minitel interface can be adapted to serial using the assoRED/MinitelInterface circuit