A Python library for simulating electricity markets and market mechanisms.
- Base market implementation with configurable market mechanisms
- Multiple clearing algorithms:
- Pay-as-clear (uniform #)
- Pay-as-bid
- Average mechanism
- Trade reduction mechanism
- McAfee mechanism
- VCG auction mechanism
- Support for:
- Market registration and validation
- Order book handling
- Market clearing
- Result storage and querying
- Grid topology data
- All accepted orders receive the same clearing price
- Clearing price determined by highest accepted supply order
- Merit order based clearing with random tie-breaking
- Each accepted order is settled at its bid price
- Merit order based clearing with random tie-breaking
- Clearing price is average of highest accepted supply and lowest accepted demand price
- Not incentive compatible but individually rational
- Removes last matched trade to achieve incentive compatibility
- Not efficient but individually rational
- Budget balanced but not strongly budget balanced
- Incentive compatible and individually rational
- Weakly budget balanced
- Not efficient when price conditions not met
- Incentive compatible and individually rational
- Efficient but not budget balanced
- Auctioneer must subsidize difference
from emarketlib import MarketConfig
from emarketlib.clearing_algorithms.simple import PayAsClearRole
# Create market config
config = MarketConfig(
# Add configuration parameters
# Initialize market with clearing mechanism
market = PayAsClearRole(config)
pip install emarketlib