is an open source, well tested and documented Python implementation of the proximal nested sampling framework (Cai et al. 2022) to compute the Bayesian model evidence or marginal likelihood in high-dimensional log-convex settings. Furthermore, non-smooth sparsity-promoting priors are also supported.
This is achieved by exploiting tools from proximal calculus and Moreau-Yosida regularisation (Moreau 1962) to efficiently sample from the prior subject to the hard likelihood constraint. The resulting Markov chain iterations include a gradient step, approximating (with arbitrary precision) an overdamped Langevin SDE that can scale to very high-dimensional applications.
The following is a straightforward example application to image denoising (Phi = I), regularised with Daubechies wavelets (DB6).
# Import relevant modules.
import numpy as np
import ProxNest
# Load your data and set parameters.
data = np.load(<path to your data.npy>)
params = params # Parameters of the prior resampling optimisation problem.
options = options # Options associated with the sampling strategy.
# Construct your forward model (phi) and wavelet operators (psi).
phi = ProxNest.operators.sensing_operators.Identity()
psi = ProxNest.operators.wavelet_operators.db_wavelets(["db6"], 2, (dim, dim))
# Define proximal operators for both your likelihood and prior.
proxH = lambda x, T : ProxNest.operators.proximal_operators.l1_projection(x, T, delta, Psi=psi)
proxB = lambda x, tau: ProxNest.optimisations.l2_ball_proj.sopt_fast_proj_B2(x, tau, params)
# Write a lambda function to evaluate your likelihood term (here a Gaussian)
LogLikeliL = lambda sol : - np.linalg.norm(y-phi.dir_op(sol), 'fro')**2/(2*sigma**2)
# Perform proximal nested sampling
BayEvi, XTrace = ProxNest.sampling.proximal_nested.ProxNestedSampling(
np.abs(phi.adj_op(data)), LogLikeliL, proxH, proxB, params, options
At this point you have recovered the tuple BayEvi and dict Xtrace which contain
Live = options["samplesL"] # Number of live samples
Disc = options["samplesD"] # Number of discarded samples
# BayEvi is a tuple containing two values:
BayEvi[0] = 'Estimate of Bayesian evidence (float).'
BayEvi[1] = 'Variance of Bayesian evidence estimate (float).'
# XTrace is a dictionary containing the np.ndarrays:
XTrace['Liveset'] = 'Set of live samples (shape: Live, dim, dim).'
XTrace['LivesetL'] = 'Likelihood of live samples (shape: Live).'
XTrace['Discard'] = 'Set of discarded samples (shape: Disc, dim, dim).'
XTrace['DiscardL'] = 'Likelihood of discarded samples (shape: Disc).'
XTrace['DiscardW'] = 'Weights of discarded samples (shape: Disc).'
XTrace['DiscardPostProb'] = 'Posterior probability of discarded samples (shape: Disc)'
XTrace['DiscardPostMean'] = 'Posterior mean solution (shape: dim, dim)'
from which one can perform e.g. Bayesian model comparison.
Brief installation instructions are given below (for further details see the full installation documentation).
The ProxNest
package can be installed by running
pip install ProxNest
The ProxNest
package can also be installed from source by running
git clone
cd harmonic
and running the install script, within the root directory, with one command
To check the install has worked correctly run the unit tests with
pytest --black ProxNest/tests/
Matthew Price, Xiaohao Cai, Jason McEwen, Marcelo Pereyra, and contributors.
A BibTeX entry for ProxNest
@article{Cai:ProxNest:2021, author = {Cai, Xiaohao and McEwen, Jason~D. and Pereyra, Marcelo}, title = {"High-dimensional Bayesian model selection by proximal nested sampling"}, journal = {ArXiv}, eprint = {arXiv:2106.03646}, year = {2021} }
is released under the GPL-3 license (see LICENSE.txt), subject to
the non-commercial use condition (see LICENSE_EXT.txt)
ProxNest Copyright (C) 2022 Matthew Price, Xiaohao Cai, Jason McEwen, Marcelo Pereyra & contributors This program is released under the GPL-3 license (see LICENSE.txt), subject to a non-commercial use condition (see LICENSE_EXT.txt). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.