AS A netflix user with a favorite actor I WANT to know which movies are currently streaming on netflix featuring my favorite actor SO THAT i will know what movie titles to search on netflix.
GIVEN a user specified actor name WHEN the name is entered into the search bar and submitted THEN the user is provided with a list of movies featuring the actor that are currently streaming on netflix
- WhatIsMyMovie?
- Netflix
Front End
- Learn new CSS Framework
- HTML & CSS Layout
- Search Button (Functionality by Back-end)
- Display Results (Generate through JS, results provided by Back-end)
- Display Modal Information when movie is clicked on.
Back End
- Query "WhatIsMyMovie?" for a list of movies by searching an actor
- Return a list of movies from the query
- Query "UNOGS" for movies on Netflix from our list.
- Generate Netflix movies' list
- Send list to front end
Brian, Martin, Melody, Richard