Author: Mindrones (Luca Bonavita) BPT Visualisation []
This repository contains all of the self-contained files needed to produce a Baldwin, Phillips & Terlevich (BPT) diagostic diagram (including SII and OI) including the Kewley-Kauffmann demarcation region (shaded grey region) for dual active galaxies (dAGN).
The interactive visualisation also contains a hovorable feature and filter features based on different parameters of dAGN (e.g., Type (Type 2 = Seyfert II binary); Classication (double-peaked narrow emission-line: 'pp', or asymmetric and top-flat NELs: 'as'); Peculiarity (A indicates AGNs with strong [OIII] wings, and 2 galaxies with dual cores); spectroscopic redshift, star-formation rates (SFRs) and SDSS I.D.s are also included).