RSM created for make easier some actons on server like:
- generation config file
- manipulation of files
- running commands
This version can:
- create Nginx virtual server config from template
- clone from Git repo or download and unpack Rails application from TGZ or TBZ2 archive
- generate Unicorn config from template
- start/stop/restart unicorn server
- start/stop/restart thin server
- run bundle install and update
Project located at GitHub:
Created by Oleksandr (asux) Ulianytskyi
Source code has BSD license
Install from RubyGems:
$ gem install rsm
Or from source code:
$ git clone git://
$ cd rsm
$ rake install
List avalable tasks:
$ rsm -T
Help for certain task:
$ rsm help TASK
For detailed documentation read YARD docs at Rubydoc - or generated from GitHub -